
FEC - Fee Condition and Calculation Rule

Module FEC

The fee condition table holds all conditions for the different FEE - Fee definitions. The default conditions and all different special conditions are stored in this Feecondition table.


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
FEEINR INR of Related FEE Record Text 8
FEEPRI Type of Condition Text 2 Embedded
OBJTYP Object Type Text 6
OBJINR Object INR Text 8
BEGDAT Begin Date (inclusive) Date 12
ENDDAT End Date (exclusive) Date 12
CALCBS Calculation Base Text 6 Embedded
CALFCC Calculation Code Text 1
LOWAMT Lower Amount (inclusive) Numeric 18
HIGAMT Upper Amount (exclusive) Numeric 18
MAXCUR Maximum Currency Text 3
MAXAMT Maximum Amount Numeric 18
MAXFCC Maximum Code Text 1 Embedded
MINCUR Minimum Currency Text 3
MINAMT Minimum Amount/Value Numeric 18
MINAMTTOT Minimum for Complete Validity Numeric 18
AMTSETALL Amount to be Settled in Advance Numeric 18
MINFCC Minimum Code Text 1 Embedded
UNTAMT Amount per Unit Numeric 18
RATCAL Rate Calculation Numeric 14
IRTSTM rate type if not default as defined in RATIRS Stream 14
RATCUR Rate Currency Text 3
RATFCC Rate Code Text 1 Embedded
RATIRS Reference Rate Text 6 IRTTXT
RATIRSINC Rate Type for Increase/Decrease Text 6 IRTTXT
SETMOD Mode of Settlement Text 1 Embedded
SETBEG Settle from Text 1 Embedded
SETEND Settle to Text 1 Embedded
PERTYP Period Type Text 6 Embedded
TIRTYP Type of Tiers Text 6 Embedded
PERMIN Minimum Periods Numeric 3
PERBEGTR2 Start Period Tier 2 Numeric 3
PERRATTR2 Rate Tier 2 Numeric 14
PERMINTR2 Minimum for Period Tier 2 Numeric 18
PERBEGTR3 Start Period Tier 3 Numeric 3
PERRATTR3 Rate Tier 3 Numeric 14
PERMINTR3 Minimum for Period Tier 3 Numeric 18
PERBEGTR4 Start Period Tier 4 Numeric 3
PERRATTR4 Rate Tier 4 Numeric 14
PERMINTR4 Minimum for Period Tier 4 Numeric 18
PERBEGTR5 Start Period Tier 5 Numeric 3
PERRATTR5 Rate Tier 5 Numeric 14
PERMINTR5 Minimum for Period Tier 5 Numeric 18
PERBEGTR6 Start Period Tier 6 Numeric 3
PERRATTR6 Rate Tier 6 Numeric 14
PERMINTR6 Minimum for Period Tier 6 Numeric 18
PERBEGTR7 Start Period Tier 7 Numeric 3
PERRATTR7 Rate Tier 7 Numeric 14
PERMINTR7 Minimum for Period Tier 7 Numeric 18
AMTBEGTR2 Start Amount Tier 2 Numeric 18
AMTRATTR2 Rate by Amount Tier 2 Numeric 14
AMTBEGTR3 Start Amount Tier 3 Numeric 18
AMTRATTR3 Rate by Amount Tier 3 Numeric 14
AMTBEGTR4 Start Amount Tier 4 Numeric 18
AMTRATTR4 Rate by Amount Tier 4 Numeric 14
VER Version Text 4
COLLTR Disposition Defaulting Text 1 Embedded
SETTYP Type of Settlement Text 1 Embedded
SETFLG Automatic Settlement Text 1 Embedded
SETPERFLG Settlement period Text 2 Embedded
SETCHGFLG Flag, if Amount Can/Must be Changed Text 2 Embedded
PERTYPPRV Period Type (Previous Periods) Text 6 Embedded
MINPERCNT Minimum Period Count Numeric 3
MAXPERCNT Maximum Period Count Numeric 3
MAXPERCOV Maximum Periods Covered by Condition Numeric 3
BASAMT Base Amount Numeric 18
PERMAXTR2 Maximum for Period Tier 2 Numeric 18
PERMAXTR3 Maximum for Period Tier 3 Numeric 18
PERMAXTR4 Maximum for Period Tier 4 Numeric 18
PERMAXTR5 Maximum for Period Tier 5 Numeric 18
PERMAXTR6 Maximum for Period Tier 6 Numeric 18
PERMAXTR7 Maximum for Period Tier 7 Numeric 18
CLCDIFFLG Recalculation Text 1 Embedded
OTHBLK List of relevant fields Block 20
REFRTE Base/Reference Rate Numeric 14
RATFIXCON Fix for Contract Text 1
XLHINR Excel INR Text 8
ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup Text 8
CALRUL Calculation Rule Text 1 Embedded
MINMAXPERTYP Period Type for Minimum/Maximum Text 6 Embedded
GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields. Text 50
OBJKEY Object key Text 40
OBJNAM Object Name Text 40

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Each FEC entry is related to one fee entry. This is the identification number of the related fee.

Datafield FEEPRI Type of Condition

The field defines the type of fee condition (e.g. party, country) for this entry.

Code Text
30 Region
40 Country
60 Party
99 Contract
00 Default
10 Bus.sector
20 Entity
50 Headquart.
95 FrameCon.
FP Pool
70 Buy/Sup

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type

This field is used to determine the optional 'relevant object type' for special conditions. The relevant object type can be country, region, currency, etc.

Datafield OBJINR Object INR

In most cases this field holds the identification number (INR) within the table as identified by the Object Type field. For the Object Type field = 'BUS' there is no table and thus no INR. In this case, the Object ID field holds the 2-digit business sector code.

Datafield BEGDAT Begin Date (inclusive)

First date of validity of the fee condition.

Datafield ENDDAT End Date (exclusive)

This marks the date from which the special condition no longer applies.

Datafield CALCBS Calculation Base

This field contains the reference to the relevant column of the Committed Balace Sheet table from which the currency and the relevant amount are obtained.

Code Text
OPNAMT Open amount
CONAMT Contract amount
MAXAMT Maximum amount
DOCAMT Settled amount
AMEAMT Increase amount
AMEMAX Increase Maximum
NETAMT Net amount
LIAAMT Liability amount
AOPAMT Assignm. amount

Datafield CALFCC Calculation Code

The value S marks conditions where a new calculation type is set. Originally the value 'N' marks condition where the original calculation type is used.

Starting with 5.03 this has been changed to blank.

Datafield LOWAMT Lower Amount (inclusive)

This field is used to specify the lower tier, in tiered fees, for the relevant amount when calculating the fee.

Datafield HIGAMT Upper Amount (exclusive)

This field is used to specify the upper tier, in tiered fees, for the relevant amount when calculating the fee.

Datafield MAXCUR Maximum Currency

This field is used to define the currency in which the maximum amount charged for this fee under the current condition scheme.

Datafield MAXAMT Maximum Amount

This field contains the maximum amount that may be charged from this particular fee under this particular condition scheme.

The maximum may also be selected from a list of maximum codes in which case, this field displays the maximum amount defined under the selected code.

Datafield MAXFCC Maximum Code

The maximum amount charged under a fee may either be specified directly when defining a condition or it may be selected from the list of maximum codes already defined for this purpose.

In this case, this field contains the maximum code selected (from a combobox) and the maximum amount field displays the amount defined under this maximum code.

Code Text
N Keep the old maximum
S Set a new maximum
A +/- to the old maximum
P % to the old maximum

Datafield MINCUR Minimum Currency

This field is used to define the currency in which the minimum amount is charged for this fee under the current condition scheme.

Datafield MINAMT Minimum Amount/Value

This field contains the minimum amount that may be charged from this particular fee under this particular condition scheme.

The minimum may also be selected from a list of maximum codes in which case, this field displays the minimum amount defined under the selected code. The amount below which the finance amount should not be provided.

Datafield MINAMTTOT Minimum for Complete Validity

The Minimum total field indicates the minimum value for the whole validity.

Datafield AMTSETALL Amount to be Settled in Advance

“Minimum in Advance” indicates the minimum amount to be calculated in case of charging fees. This helps to avoid small amounts from being charged on a regularly occurring basis and is usually agreed with the customer. If the amount calculated is below this figure, the subsequent period(s) is/are included until this Minimum-in-Advance-amount is reached.

Datafield MINFCC Minimum Code

The minimum amount charged under a fee may either be specified directly when defining a condition, or may be selected from the list of minimum codes already defined for this purpose.

In this case, this field contains the minimum code selected (from a combobox) and the minimum amount field displays the amount defined under this minimum code.

Code Text
N Keep the old minimum
S Set a new minimum
A +/- to the old minimum
P % to the old minimum

Datafield UNTAMT Amount per Unit

The amount which is calculated/multiplied per unit.

Datafield RATCAL Rate Calculation

This indicates the percentage rate used to calculate charges/commission.

Datafield RATCUR Rate Currency

This field contains the currency for flat fee charges, e.g. postage charges of USD 20.00.

Datafield RATFCC Rate Code

This field specifies the type of rate applied. This can be chosen from a selection list.

Code Text
N Keep the old value
S Set new value
A +/- to the value
P % to the old value

Datafield RATIRS Reference Rate

This field specifies the type of reference rate for interest fees and may be selected from a codetable.

Datafield RATIRSINC Rate Type for Increase/Decrease

For increase/decrease a different rate type may be used. Only if rate type for increase/decrease differs from usual rate type, this has to be set.

Datafield SETMOD Mode of Settlement

This field specifies the mode of settlement for the fee under the current condition scheme, e.g. manually, at the time of opening the L/C, at settlement, monthly, etc.

Code Text
2 manually
1 on document presentation
0 on earning
M monthly

Datafield SETBEG Settle from

Start of settlement period T = Today O = Opening date P = End date of last pool record, if not opening date

Code Text
no defaulting
T Settle from today
O Settle from opening date of contract
P Settle from last date settled

Datafield SETEND Settle to

End of settlement period T = Today E = Expiry date

Code Text
No Defaulting
T Settle until Today
E Settle until Expiry Date of Contract

Datafield PERTYP Period Type

This field specifies the settlement period for regular settlements. The type requested can be chosen from the selection list.

Code Text
d Days
m Months
q Quarters
y Years
f Flat
n no periods
CALMON Calendar Month
CALQTR Calendar Quarter
DURQTR Quarter
DURQ05 Quarter 5 grace days
DURQ10 Quarter 10 grace d.
DURHLF Half year
CALANN Calender Year

Datafield TIRTYP Type of Tiers

The Type of Tiers field allows you to choose between amount and period tiers (monthly, quarterly, calendar month, calendar quarter). The Amount Tiers option allows you to enter different rates for various upper limits. Given a balance from 0.00 to less than the value in Amount Tier 2, the calculation uses the standard rate entered. For balances from the figure in Amount Tier 2 to less than the value entered in Amount Tier 3, the rate indicated in Amount Tier 2 is used. For any amount above this, the Amount Tier 3 rate is used. When selecting a Period Tier, the calculation for an overall period that covers less than the number of periods indicated in Period Tier 2 is based on the rate entered; for the number of periods between Periodic Tier 2 and Periodic Tier 3, Periodic Tier 2 is to apply and for a greater number of periods, Periodic Tier 3 is to be used in calculations.

Code Text
Amount tiers
DURQTR Quarter
CALMON Calender Month
CALQTR Calender Quarter

Datafield PERMIN Minimum Periods

This field specifies the minimum of periods to be settled.

Datafield PERBEGTR2 Start Period Tier 2

This field specifies the number of the starting period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERRATTR2 Rate Tier 2

This field specifies the rate for the first period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERMINTR2 Minimum for Period Tier 2

This field specifies the minimum of periods to be settled for period Tier 2.

Datafield PERBEGTR3 Start Period Tier 3

This field specifies the number of the second period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERRATTR3 Rate Tier 3

This field specifies the rate for the second period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERMINTR3 Minimum for Period Tier 3

This field specifies the minimum of periods to be settled for period Tier 3.

Datafield PERBEGTR4 Start Period Tier 4

This field specifies the number of the third period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERRATTR4 Rate Tier 4

This field specifies the rate for the third period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERMINTR4 Minimum for Period Tier 4

This field specifies the minimum of periods to be settled for period Tier 4.

Datafield PERBEGTR5 Start Period Tier 5

This field specifies the number of the fourth period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERRATTR5 Rate Tier 5

This field specifies the rate for the fourth period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERMINTR5 Minimum for Period Tier 5

This field specifies the minimum of periods to be settled for period Tier 5.

Datafield PERBEGTR6 Start Period Tier 6

This field specifies the number of the fifth period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERRATTR6 Rate Tier 6

This field specifies the rate for the fifth period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERMINTR6 Minimum for Period Tier 6

This field specifies the minimum of periods to be settled for period Tier 6.

Datafield PERBEGTR7 Start Period Tier 7

This field specifies the number of the sixth period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERRATTR7 Rate Tier 7

This field specifies the rate for the sixth period when calculating the specific rate.

Datafield PERMINTR7 Minimum for Period Tier 7

This field specifies the minimum of periods to be settled for period Tier 7

Datafield AMTBEGTR2 Start Amount Tier 2

Threshold amount from where Rate by Amount Tier 2 is used (0 = not used)

Datafield AMTRATTR2 Rate by Amount Tier 2

Specifies the rate by Amount Tier 2

Datafield AMTBEGTR3 Start Amount Tier 3

Threshold amount from where AMTRATTR3 is used (0 = not used)

Datafield AMTRATTR3 Rate by Amount Tier 3

Specifies the rate by Amount Tier 3

Datafield AMTBEGTR4 Start Amount Tier 4

Threshold amount from where AMTRATTR4 is used (0 = not used)

Datafield AMTRATTR4 Rate by Amount Tier 4

Specifies the rate by Amount Tier 4

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield COLLTR Disposition Defaulting

Checkbox to define this fee for a subsequent collection.

Code Text
by Transaction
P Always to Pool
S Always Settle

Datafield SETTYP Type of Settlement

Code Text
A in advance
E at the end

Datafield SETFLG Automatic Settlement

Controls the status of the entries generated by automatic commissioning. Manually flagged conditions need to be processed manually and are thus created as entries ready to be picked up in SPT. Automatically flagged conditions are generated as automatically to be processed SPTs.

Code Text
A automatically
M manually

Datafield SETPERFLG Settlement period

Period for determining when the fee is to be settled immediately. Number (1-99(: number of quarters that are to be settled immediately A: Settlement up to the amount defined in AMTSETALL E: Settle immediately up to end. If no end is defined, use the first different value in the code table (A in standard; accordingly, the code table is deliberately unsorted)

Available periods are defined by the entries in the code table. These can be changed by Support.

Code Text
A up to amount
1 quarterly
2 half-yearly
4 yearly
E until end
S Settlement period

Datafield SETCHGFLG Flag, if Amount Can/Must be Changed

Code Text
Changes allowed
CP Cond. & amount protected
AP Amount protected
AM Amount mandatory
RM Rate mandatory
BM Rate & Amount mandatory
MM Minimum mandatory
MO Minimum mandatory no rate

Datafield PERTYPPRV Period Type (Previous Periods)

Type of period: days, months, quarters, years are possible.

Code Text
d Days
m Months
q Quarters
y Years

Datafield MINPERCNT Minimum Period Count

This field defines the number of repeated periods a particular minimum is calculated under the calculation rule “P”. This figure describes the number of calculation periods the 'minimum' is defined for. If zero, the minimum is calculated just once for the complete period. Example: If the calculation is for months, the minimum is for quarters, therefore use 3.

Datafield MAXPERCNT Maximum Period Count

This field defines the number of repeated periods a particular maximum is calculated under the calculation rule “P”. This figure describes the number of calculation periods a 'maximum' is defined for. If zero, the maximum is calculated just once for the complete period. Example: if the calculation is for months, the maximum is for quarters, therefore use 3.

Datafield MAXPERCOV Maximum Periods Covered by Condition

If a condition is only valid for a defined number of periods, this number is set here.

If no periods are to be calculated, the number is set to zero and the user needs to calculate and enter the amount.

Datafield BASAMT Base Amount

This field can be used to define a base amount for a percentage calculation.

This can also be used to support “calculation for higher amount” without defining a lower amount tier. The base amount has to be defined as the difference of the results of both rules for the difference amount. Example: EUR 0-25,000 3%o

EUR 25,000 2%o

3%o of EUR 25,000 is EUR 75 2%o of EUR 25,000 is EUR 50 ⇒ Set base amount is EUR 25 to receive 2%o for the amount above EUR 25,000.

Datafield PERMAXTR2 Maximum for Period Tier 2

This field specifies the maximum of periods to be settled for period of tier 2.

Datafield PERMAXTR3 Maximum for Period Tier 3

This field specifies the maximum of periods to be settled for period of tier 3.

Datafield PERMAXTR4 Maximum for Period Tier 4

This field specifies the maximum of periods to be settled for period of tier 4.

Datafield PERMAXTR5 Maximum for Period Tier 5

This field specifies the maximum of periods to be settled for period of tier 5.

Datafield PERMAXTR6 Maximum for Period Tier 6

This field specifies the maximum of periods to be settled for period of tier 6.

Datafield PERMAXTR7 Maximum for Period Tier 7

This field specifies the maximum of periods to be settled for period of tier 7.

Datafield CLCDIFFLG Recalculation

Recalculation option for fees calculated several times in the contract. The default is that each time segment is calculated separately.

Other options recalculate the fee for the whole period using current amounts and calculate the difference to the amount settled before.

As soon as one contract commission is modified manually, the fee amount is set to zero and a warning set.

Code Text
A Recalculation / No Refund
R Recalculation / Refund
O Difference / No Refund
W Difference / Refund

Datafield OTHBLK List of relevant fields

Internal field for copy fields from fee conditions (FEC)

Datafield REFRTE Base/Reference Rate

Specifies the benchmark interest rate (Base rate/Reference rate) taken from the market.

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup

This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.

Datafield CALRUL Calculation Rule

This field is used to define the method of calculating the specified fee under this particular condition scheme. The method desired may be selected from the available calculation methods by a combobox.

Code Text
3 Monthly Interest
2 Interest p.a.
1 Per mille fee
6 BA Discount
T Transaction calculation
0 Fix value
F Free manual entry
4 Tiered per mille
C CBS-Based Calculation
B Basepoint Fee
P Per mille/Previous periods
% Percent fee
V VAT Percent
E External Calculation

Datafield MINMAXPERTYP Period Type for Minimum/Maximum

Minimum / maximum for recalulation / refund, if calculation base exceeds.

Code Text
Settlement period
CALANN Calendar Year

Datafield GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields.

Field holding the concatenated and normalized sum of all search fields used by quick search. This is one of the fields set in a SdbSetNRMFields method defined in the table definition module.

Datafield OBJKEY Object key

Primary key of the object stored in the table identified by OBJTYP.

Datafield OBJNAM Object Name

The field OBJNAM is usually filled by a default rule of the transaction with the unique key identifying the object the transaction is working on.

Datafield RATFIXCON Fix for Contract

Is set, for floating rates the contract base rate is used for the complete period. Usage requires setting of the contract base rate from the transaction. Relevant for floating rates only and thus only activated if selected rate type holds base rate information (i.e. IRS entries)

Datafield XLHINR Excel INR

An unique internal ID for excel

en/app/020cor/070ovs/020fee/0410fec.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)