
Exchange Rate Table

Transaction XRTINP

Transaction Panels

Rate Table


Datafield Description
Date This field displays the current date as date on which current rates were entered. If
past rates are to be maintained use the Maintain Rates transaction.
Rate In this field the new middle rate of the selected currency is to be entered.
All other rates are calculated in accordance with settings in currency
Selling Rate This field displays the selling rate of selected currency and is calculated
automatically in accordance with settings in currency maintenance. Manual entry
is possible if no margins for selling and buying rate have been defined.
Buying Rate This field displays the buying rate for the selected currency and is calculated
automatically in accordance with settings at currency maintenance. Manual entry
is possible if no margins for selling and buying rate have been defined.
TT rate This field displays the special rate for the selected currency which can be entered
OD rate This field displays the purchase rate for the selected currency, which can be entered

en/app/020cor/070ovs/030cur/0120xrtinp.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/06 08:39 by gr