
General Information

The application incorporates a powerful diary system which is updated automatically during processing a business transaction, but can also be edited via manual entries. During implementation of the application several reasons for a diary entry can be specified in codetable, which can be used by implemented in rules for the respective business transactions. During the daily use of the system, the diary system is running virtually unnoticed in the background. New diary entries can be added in various situations in a business transaction, for example

The user who has been defined as “Responsible User” in a business transaction is the responsible user of a diary entry associated to this transaction. The diary entries are then automatically displayed for the responsible user or to all members of the “responsible user group”, when the diary entry is due. By picking up a specific diary the following business transaction is started.

Displaying Diaries in Business Transactions:

In the contract overview panel diaries for a selected contract or all connected contracts are displayed.

In business transactions the current diaries are displayed together with the diaries of the subcontracts.

en/app/020cor/070ovs/050dia/0010diabas.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)