
Shift diaries

Transaction DBSDIA

Use of this transaction required if the bank is closed on a day that is not included in the calendar of public holidays. To ensure that diaries scheduled for the day on which the bank is closed will be processed according to schedule, these events can be brought forward to the working day prior to the actual date of the event.


  • The bank will closed on Friday, so all calendar events scheduled for that Friday are brought forward to Thursday.
  • The bank will be closed on Monday, so all calendar events scheduled for Monday are brought forward to the preceding Friday (the last working day prior to the first weekend day entered into the transaction “Maintaining System Calendars”).

Following the rescheduling, the log file shows which diaries for the various contracts were rescheduled.

Transaction Panels


en/app/020cor/070ovs/050dia/0110dbsdia.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)