
General Information on Advanced Text Definition


Text for Syndication Agreements and different types of Guarantees can be created and stored in the database. The text (Syndication Agreements or Guarantee Text) can be selected based on the “Text Definition Type” field.

Within the “Text Definition Type” it can be decided if the “Object Type” will be created and defaulted for a “Party”, a “Country” or the “Group” of a Party. The values have to be chosen in the respective fields.

Syndication agreements

Syndication agreements can be distinguished by language, agreement type (e.g. master participation agreement, forfeiting agreement, etc.). It can be stored as a default, country, group or a party-specific texts. Specific fields and panels have been defined for each type of text under syndication. For an object type, default text values such as 'Offer', 'Amendment request', 'Funding request' and 'Demand for payment' can be defined under the same template. These texts are then used under various transactions of the syndication business module. Based on the selected transaction and template, the text is properly filled to the respective fields in the Syndication module. For more information see Syndication.

Examples for placeholder fields in Syndication agreements

Fields have to be entered in the text (Guarantee text or Syndication agreement) together with their technical paths and in curly brackets so that the application can recognize that the field in curly brackets is to be replaced by content captured in the transaction.

Example: To insert the Syndication Deal reference number, the field has to be entered as {SDDGRP\REC\OWNREF}. Similarly, if a field has a code and a longtext and to display the longtext instead of the code, it is required to format it differently as {=gettbltext(SCDGRP\REC\SYPTYP,“SYPTYP”, “EN”)}

Guarantee texts

Guarantee texts can be distinguished by

  • “Language”,
  • “Purpose of Outgoing” undertaking message (ISSU, ISCO or ICCO for sequence B, ISCO or ICCO for sequence C),
  • “Undertaking Type” (e.g. advance payment guarantee, bid bond, etc.),
  • “Form of Undertaking” (e.g. demand undertaking, dependent undertaking, Standby L/C, etc. )
  • and its period of validity to destinguish between “Unlimited” Guarantees, 'limited' or 'both'.

It is also possible to weigh the most frequently used texts using field “Priority”, ensuring that the most used appear at the top of the list in guarantee transactions.

Another panel is available to store the texts with “Further Guarantee Information” for other fields such as “Presentation Instructions”, “Expiry/ Liability Conditions”, and “Underlying Transaction Details”. The stored text is then populated to the corresponding fields in the guarantee transaction.

Guarantee texts are maintained under (Advanced Text Definition).

Examples for placeholder fields in Guarantee texts

Fields appearing on the Details panel during pre-creation and/or creation of the guarantee depend on the selection criteria made during maintenance of the related guarantee text. This feature allows guarantee texts to be very easily customized to meet the needs of each guarantee type.

The following fields are available in the Details panel and may be incorporated into the definitions of guarantee texts:

Description Field Definition in Guarantee Text Defaulting
Tender Reference {GIDGRP\REC\TENREF}
Contract Reference {GIDGRP\REC\ORCREF}
Contract Date* {GIDGRP\REC\ORCDAT} label definition possible
Tender Closing Date* {GIDGRP\REC\TENCLSDAT}
Underlying Transaction Details {GIDGRP\BLK\COVGODSRV} default possible
Original Percentage / Rate* {GIDGRP\REC\ORCRAT}
Contract Amount (CUR) {GIDGRP\REC\ORCCUR}
Contract Amount (AMT)* {GIDGRP\REC\ORCAMT}
Original Contract Place {GIDGRP\BLK\ORCPLC}
Account for Advance Payment Guarantee {GIDGRP\REC\ACC}
Law of Jurisdiction {GIDGRP\REC\JURLAWS20}
Place of Jurisdiction {GIDGRP\REC\JURPLC}
Latest Transmission Date* {GIDGRP\REC\TRMDAT}
Additional Text {GIDGRP\BLK\ADDINF} label definition possible

Unformatted date fields, such as “Tender Date” ({GIDGRP\REC\TENDAT}), are formatted in the “Date Short” format defined in the transaction “Maintaining System Parameters”. The MyModelbank uses the format: “DD.MM.YYYY”

* Some fields are also available as formatted fields which are expressed in the language of the guarantee and as long text (see table below).

The following fields, including contract fields, are available as pre-formatted fields:

Description Field Definition in Guarantee Text Remarks
Type of Guarantee {GIDGRP\FMTGARTYP} Type of guarantee formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Amount in Words {GIDGRP\AMTWRDTXT} Amount of the guarantee expressed in words in the language of the guarantee text which includes the currency.
Amount Formatted {GIDGRP\FMTAMT} Amount of the guarantee expressed in figures which includes the currency.
Ordering Contract Amount Formatted {GIDGRP\FMTORCAMT} Amount of the ordering contract expressed in figures which includes the currency.
Ordering Contract Percentage Formatted {GIDGRP\FMTORCRAT} Percentage formatted in the language of the guarantee text to express the percentage of the Advance Payment Guarantee, Performance Guarantee, etc. This is used to express, for example, the percentage of the guarantee in relation to the ordering contract amount.
Own Name {GIDGRP\OWNNAM} Name of the issuing bank itself as defined in the entity address
Address Information Accountee {GIDGRP\OBLADRLIN} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist) and location of the accountee. If no accountee has been defined, the system will automatically take the address details of the applicant.
Full Address Accountee {GIDGRP\OBLFULADRLIN} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist), street (line 1 and 2 if exist), zip code, location and country of the accountee. If no accountee has been defined, the system will automatically take the address details of the applicant.
Address Information Applicant {GIDGRP\APLADRLIN} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist) and location of the applicant. This field should only be used if explicitly the name of the applicant stored under “Applicant” in the Guarantee is to be mentioned. To show the name of the accountee, we recommend to use Address Information Accountee.
Full Address Applicant {GIDGRP\APLFULADRLIN} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist), street (line 1 and 2 if exist), zip code, location and country of the applicant. This field should only be used if explicitly the name of the applicant stored under “Applicant” in the Guarantee is to be mentioned. To show the name of the accountee, we recommend to use Address Information Accountee.
Address Information Beneficiary {GIDGRP\BENADRLIN} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist) and location of the beneficiary.
Full Address Beneficiary {GIDGRP\BENFULADRLIN} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist), street (line 1 and 2 if exist), zip code, location and country of the beneficiary.
Address Information Issuing Bank {GIDGRP\ISSADRLIN} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist) and location of the issuing bank.
Full Address Issuing Bank {GIDGRP\ISSFULADRLIN} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist), street (line 1 and 2 if exist), zip code, location and country of the issuing bank.
Date of Validity {GIDGRP\FMTEXPDAT} Expiry date of the guarantee formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Latest Transmission Date {GIDGRP\FMTTRMDAT} Date of latest transmission formatted in the language of the guarantee. This field may also be used to express latest date of delivery, performance etc.
Date of Original Contract {GIDGRP\FMTORCDAT} Date of the original contract formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Tender Date {GIDGRP\FMTTENDAT} Date of the tender formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Tender Closing Date {GIDGRP\FMTTENCLSDAT} Closing date of the tender formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Creation Date {GIDGRP\FMTOPNDAT} Date of creation of the guarantee formatted in the language of the guarantee.
“Our Liability Ends” Date {GIDGRP\FMTLIADAT} Date when the counter-guarantee for indirect guarantees expires; formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Additional Amount {GIDGRP\FMTADDAMT}  Additional Amount of the guarantee including the currency, formatted in the language of the undertaking
Tolerance {GIDGRP\FMTNOMTOL} Postive / negative tolerance in % of the undertaking

The following fields are available for Seq.C:

Description Field Definition in Guarantee Text Remarks
Type of Guarantee (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTGARTYPC} Type of guarantee formatted in the language of the guarantee
Amount in Words (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\AMTWRDTXTC} Amount of the guarantee (Seq. C) expressed in words in the language of the guarantee text which includes the currency.
Amount Formatted (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTAMTC} Amount of the guarantee expressed in figures which includes the currency.
Ordering Contract Amount Formatted (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTORCAMTC} Amount of the ordering contract expressed in figures which includes the currency.
Ordering Contract Percentage Formatted (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTORCRATC} Percentage formatted in the language of the guarantee text to express the percentage of the Advance Payment Guarantee, Performance Guarantee, etc. This is used to express, for example, the percentage of the guarantee in relation to the ordering contract amount.
Address Information Accountee (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\OBLADRLINC} Name (line 1, 2 and 3 if exist) and location of the accountee. If no accountee has been defined, the system will automatically take the address details of the applicant.
Latest Transmission Date (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTTRMDATC} Date of latest transmission formatted in the language of the guarantee. This field may also be used to express latest date of delivery, performance etc.
Date of Original Contract (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTORCDATC} Date of the original contract formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Tender Date (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTTENDATC} Date of the tender formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Tender Closing Date (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTTENCLSDATC} Closing date of the tender formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Creation Date (Seq.C) {GIDGRP\FMTOPNDATC} Date of creation of the guarantee formatted in the language of the guarantee.
Additional Amount (Seq. C) {GIDGRP\FMTADDAMTC} Additional Amount of the local undertaking including the currency, formatted in the language of the undertaking
Tolerance (Seq. C) {GIDGRP\FMTNOMTOLC} Postive / negative tolerance in % of the local undertaking

Fields have to be entered in the guarantee text together with their technical paths and in curly brackets so that the application can recognize that the field in curly brackets is to be replaced by content captured in the transaction.

Example: if the subject matter of the contract in the guarantee text is to be issued, the technical description of the field {GIDGRP\BLK\COVGODSRV} has to be entered at the appropriate position in the guarantee text.

Formatted datafields are processed in the respective guarantee language. If, for example, the user enters the date “24.12.2018” under “Tender Date” on the “Details” panel the date will be displayed as “24. Dezember 2018” in a German guarantee text and as “24. December 2018” in an English guarantee text.

If there are fields that always have to be issued in guarantee texts, these have to be defined as database fields in the customer overlay. Here, a decision needs to be made whether such fields are solely relevant for guarantee texts, or for the whole contract. Fields only required for guarantee texts have to be positioned on the Details panel of the opening transaction. The reason for this is that fields positioned on the Details panel and used in the selected guarantee text are automatically enabled in opening transactions and are defined as mandatory fields.

en/app/020cor/080cfg/035atx/0010atxbas.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/13 12:38 by mk