
Info Guarantee Text Definitions

Transaction INFGTX

This transaction shows the old guarantee text definitions. Since SWIFT 2021 the guarantee text definitions are handled with Maintaining Advanced Text Definition.

After starting the transaction, the Search Panel is displayed. Enter the external key or leave the selection field empty and click the icon. The guarantee text modules which fit the selection criteria, or all Guarantee text modules (if the selection field was left empty) are displayed in a selection list. Doubleclicking on the selected item or selecting will display one guarantee text module and all relevant details. This detailed information comprises all data stored for the selected guarantee text module.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel

Guarantee Text Definition


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table GTX field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table GTX field NAM
Object Type cf Appendix A, Table GTX field OBJTYP
Country Code cf Appendix A, Table CTY field COD
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
Language cf Appendix A, Table GTX field UIL
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM
Handling Type cf Appendix A, Table GTX field HNDTYP
Type of Guarantee cf Appendix A, Table GTX field GARTYP
Legal Form of Guarantee cf Appendix A, Table GTX field LEGFRM
Priority cf Appendix A, Table GTX field GTXPRI
Unlimited Guarantee cf Appendix A, Table GTX field EXPFLG
Guarantee Text cf Appendix A, Table GTX field GIDTXT
Label for Contract Date cf Appendix A, Table GTX field LABORCDAT
Label for Additional Info Field cf Appendix A, Table GTX field LABADDINF
Obj. of Contract Default cf Appendix A, Table GTX field COVGODSRVDFT

en/app/020cor/080cfg/035atx/0250infgtx.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/09 09:13 by mk