
Info Form Set

Transaction INFAPF

After starting the transaction the “Search Panel” is displayed. After filling resp. selecting the fields or comboboxes on the upper part of the panel the icon has to be clicked.

If the option are left blank, all available form sets will be displayed in the table below. By marking an entry and clicking the icon (or by double-clicking an entry) Information about the selected entry are displayed on the “Form Set” panel.

Further information about form sets can be found under “Maintaining Form Sets”.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel

Form Set


Datafield Description
Application Form (ORI, CPY, …) cf Appendix A, Table APF field TYP
Count cf Appendix A, Table APF field CNT
Editable Flag cf Appendix A, Table APF field EDTFLG
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table APF field TEF
Prio cf Appendix A, Table APF field PRI

en/app/020cor/080cfg/040prt/0200infapf.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)