
Info Entity Group Transaction Profile

Transaction INFETP

After starting the transaction the “Search Panel” is displayed. The icon can be clicked after entering a search term. All transactions that match this term will be displayed in the table below.
By selecting a transaction (by double-clicking an entry or by clicking the icon), the entity group transaction profile of the selected transaction will be displayed.

The entity group transaction profile can be printed out by clicking the icon.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel

Additional Transaction Profile


Datafield Description
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ETP field COD
Name of Settings of Signature cf Appendix A, Table SIH field NAM
Method of Release cf Appendix A, Table ETP field RELTYP
Key of Settings of Signature cf Appendix A, Table SIH field EXTKEY
Relevant Amount for Release cf Appendix A, Table ETP field RELAMT
Transaction Class cf Appendix A, Table ETP field TRNCLS
Type of amount reduction cf Appendix A, Table ETP field REDAMTTYP
Temporary Settlement Allowed cf Appendix A, Table ETP field SEPFLG
Type of settlement cf Appendix A, Table ETP field SETTYP
Settlement type capable of being entered cf Appendix A, Table ETP field SETACT
Compliance Check Type cf Appendix A, Table ETP field CCSTYP
Compliance Priority cf Appendix A, Table ETP field PRI



Datafield Description
List of parties to be excluded from compliance check cf Appendix A, Table ETP field EXCCONROL
List of parties to be excluded from compliance check cf Appendix A, Table ETP field EXCSETROL

en/app/020cor/080cfg/060atp/0210infetp.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/02 19:39 (external edit)