
ATC - Application Transaction Configuration

Module ATC


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
TRN Transaction ID Text 6
TYP Type Text 6 Embedded
VAR Variant ID Text 3
IGNFLG Ignore Transaction Rule Text 1
COD Code Text 12
ARG1 Argument 1 Text 75
ARG1TYP Type for Argument 1 Text 6
ARG2 Argument 2 Text 75
ARG2TYP Type for Argument 2 Text 6
ARG3 Argument 3 Text 75
ARG3TYP Type for Argument 3 Text 6
ARG4 Argument 4 Text 75
ARG4TYP Type for Argument 4 Text 6
ARG5 Argument 5 Text 75
ARG5TYP Type for Argument 5 Text 6
ARG6 Argument 6 Text 75
ARG6TYP Type for Argument 6 Text 6
ARG7 Argument 7 Text 75
ARG7TYP Type for Argument 7 Text 6
ARG8 Argument 8 Text 75
ARG8TYP Type for Argument 8 Text 6
ARG9 Argument 9 Text 75
ARG9TYP Type for Argument 9 Text 6
CND Condition Text 3 Embedded
CNDSTM Conditions Stream 3
CNDFLD1TYP Type for Condition Field 1 Text 6 Embedded
CNDFLD1 Condition Field 1 Text 75
CNDFLD2TYP Type for Condition Field 2 Text 6 Embedded
CNDFLD2 Condition Field 2 Text 75
VER Version Text 4
ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield TRN Transaction ID

The name of the business transaction for which this ATC entry is valid.

Datafield TYP Type

Class of configuration definition. Each class needs a special application logic in business transactions.

Code Text

Datafield COD Code

Unique identifier used to classify this entry in the transaction. The content needs to match the requirements of the parameter class as identified in the Type field.

Datafield VAR Variant ID

If - depending on an additional condition - several variants of definitions for one ID of one type for one transaction exist, this field allows to identify these different variants.

Datafield ARG1 Argument 1

First argument for the transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG1TYP Type for Argument 1

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield ARG2 Argument 2

Second argument for the transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG2TYP Type for Argument 2

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield ARG3 Argument 3

Third argument for the transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG3TYP Type for Argument 3

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield ARG4 Argument 4

Fourth argument for the transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG4TYP Type for Argument 4

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield ARG5 Argument 5

Fifth argument for the transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG5TYP Type for Argument 5

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield ARG6 Argument 6

6th argument for transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG6TYP Type for Argument 6

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield ARG7 Argument 7

Seventh argument for the transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG7TYP Type for Argument 7

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield ARG8 Argument 8

Eighth argument for the transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG8TYP Type for Argument 8

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield ARG9 Argument 9

Ninth argument for the transaction configuration entry.

Datafield ARG9TYP Type for Argument 9

This describes a type of content. This is normally a field or a constant, but in rare cases might also be a special function.

Datafield IGNFLG Ignore Transaction Rule

If not empty, the corresponding rule in the source is ignored.

Datafield CND Condition

A condition that determines whether the rule has to be executed.

Code Text
= Equal
<> Not Equal
> Greater than
< Less than
0 Is Empty
9 Not is Empty
F Free Formula
U Unconditional

Datafield CNDSTM Conditions

Free conditions can be entered in this field. The syntax of these conditions is reviewed.

Datafield CNDFLD1TYP Type for Condition Field 1

This field identifies the type of content for the argument.

Code Text
CONST Constant Value
FLD Field

Datafield CNDFLD1 Condition Field 1

The first field used in the condition.

Datafield CNDFLD2TYP Type for Condition Field 2

This field identifies the type of content for the argument.

Code Text
CONST Constant Value
FLD Field

Datafield CNDFLD2 Condition Field 2

The second field used in the condition.

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup

This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.

en/app/020cor/080cfg/060atp/0420atc.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/14 13:59 (external edit)