
Maintaining Multi Signature Setting

Transaction DBISIH

This transaction is used to maintain signature settings.

This control method of multiple approvals is available for different hierarchy of amounts. Users could define various amount thresholds and the multiple approval/signatures required for those amount thresholds. A maximum of ten signature levels could be added as required approval signatories.

The last row is always defaulted with the largest possible amount (example: 999.999.999.999.999,99) and cannot be modified.

In order to select an existing setting, a part of the signature key could be entered or the signature key can be selected by clicking the icon . After entering at least one search term in the field “Signature Key”, the signature settings which are matching the selection will be displayed in the suggested list. By double-clicking an entry in that list, selected settings will be displayed with the defined signature set.

The following transactions can be started by clicking the icons in the list below for:

There are two sets of signature hierarchies/levels available. Below mentioned levels could be used for normal business as usual business contracts.

  • Authorized (A-Level) - The highest/top approval level
  • B-Level - The 2nd highest level
  • C-Level - The 3rd highest level
  • D-Level - The 4th highest level
  • E-Level - The lowest approval level

Users with higher approval levels can release/approve the lower level signature requirements.

Example A: For a contract which requires C-Level signature, users with B-Level and/or A-Level signatory credentials could also go ahead and release/approve the same. This is to mainly mitigate the risk of absence of C-Level signatory users at a given point of time.

Example B: A lower level signatory user would not be able to release/approve a higher level signatory requirement (i.e., C-Level signature requirement cannot be done by D-Level signatory user, or A-Level signatory cannot be done by any of the below levels signatory users.

Second set of signature hierarchies/levels are to be used for special approvals and validations.

  • Special Level 1
  • Special Level 2
  • Special Level 3

There might be exceptional scenarios where certain contracts require special approvals, e.g. limit is insufficient for the party and the relationship manager approval is required to proceed with the contract. Here, the users with normal release access levels such as A-E should not be allowed to approve and only the respective special level (relationship manager) user only to be allowed. Hence a special approval can only be authorized by that respective special approval level user only (i.e., if Special Level 1 authorization is required, no other special level or normal authorized users could approve).

Transaction Panels

Settings of Signature


Datafield Description
Key of Settings of Signature cf Appendix A, Table SIH field EXTKEY
Name of Settings of Signature cf Appendix A, Table SIH field NAM

en/app/020cor/080cfg/062sih/0100dbisih.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 16:22 (external edit)