
Adding a Multi Signature Setting

Transaction DBASIH

This transaction is used to create multiple signature settings for the relevant currency and amount hierarchy. User could define the required approval numbers based on the amount split up. Upto 10 levels or approval/review could be added for every amount split up.

Example: Signature key “Sample” (for explanation purpose) is created with below amount split up. Say, this could be used for Letter of Credit Issuance (LITOPN transaction).

Currency Amount Signature level Signature level Signature level Description
EUR 5,000.00 D-Level For LITOPN transactions up to EUR5000, users with D-Level signature credential could approve/release the contract. Alternatively, users with higher signature credentials to D-Level (i.e., C, B and A) could also approve/release the contract.
EUR 10,000.00 D-level C-Level For LITOPN transactions above EUR5000 and up to EUR10000, user's with D-Level signature is required to approve the first level approval. Then it has to be followed by C-Level signature users to approve/release the next and final level approval to release the contract.
EUR 50,000.00 D-level C-Level Authorized (A-Level) For LITOPN transactions above EUR10000 and up to EUR50000, user's with D-Level signature is required to approve the first level approval, followed by C-Level signature and finally end with A-Level signature credentials for final approval/release of the contract.

Please note, alternatively, wherever required, higher level signatories can replace the release/approval of a lower level signature requirement. However, where multiple approvals are required for a contract/transaction, one user could approve/release only once.

Special level signatures (Special Level-1 to Special Level-3) could also be added for approving exceptional cases. Only users with exact special level signatories would be allowed to authorize the contracts.

Transaction Panels

Settings of Signature


Datafield Description
Key of Settings of Signature cf Appendix A, Table SIH field EXTKEY
Name of Settings of Signature cf Appendix A, Table SIH field NAM

en/app/020cor/080cfg/062sih/2100dbasih.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 16:20 (external edit)