
Export Field Mapping for Incoming Messages

Transaction DBXSWM

This transaction is used to export field maps for incoming messages.

SWM records have a common source, message type and transaction. These mappings are saved as files with the extension .dbe. The available mappings are displayed in the field “Files”.

Field mappings can be exported for all or specific incoming messages (i.e. all, SWIFT, DTA, TradeConnect, etc.) by selecting the message type using the option “Msg Type”. Selecting the checkbox “Alternative Mapping” will only export the mappings indicated as such. For information about alternative mappings, please refer to Alternative Mapping.

The “Directory” field contains the complete path of the target directory of exported mappings. By default, the files are stored in directory 'swm' of the 'data' partition. After selecting a file click to export the relevant mappings to this directory.

These exported mappings can now be handled easily and can, for example, be imported into another application system.

The file names are structured as follows:

'swm'+Source+Type+Transaction+'alternative (if set)'+'dbe' (each with dots between the strings)

Example: The file for source SWIFT, message type MT700, transaction LETOPN is defined as 'swm.s.700.letopn.dbe'.

Detailed information on this static data system can be found under “Maintaining Field Mappings for Incoming Messages”.

Transaction Panels

Field Mapping

en/app/020cor/080cfg/070swm/0110dbxswm.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/14 09:31 by bagyaraj