
SWM - SWIFT Field Mapping

Module SWM


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
FMT Message Format and Source Text 1 SWTFMT
MT Message Type Text 6
FRM Destination Transaction Text 6 ATPTXT
TAG Message Field TAG Text 6
SUBTAG Message TAG Sub ID Text 6
DST Destination Field Text 60
INS Instruction Text 8
MET Additional Mapping Method Text 3 Embedded
CPYFLG Copy Flag Text 1
OVWFLG Overwrite Flag Text 1 Embedded
DSTGRP Destination Group Text 6
ALTMAPFLG Alternative Mapping Text 1

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield FMT Message Format and Source

(SWIFT, TradeConnect, EDIFACT)

Datafield MT Message Type

A traditional message type for use on a system network.

Datafield FRM Destination Transaction

Destination transaction for the mapping as per codetable of this field.

Datafield TAG Message Field TAG

This field contains the field tag of the incoming message

Datafield SUBTAG Message TAG Sub ID

This field contains the sub ID of the incoming message

Datafield DST Destination Field

This field contains the target field in the application.

Datafield INS Instruction

This field contains the argument in relation to the field

Datafield MET Additional Mapping Method

This field contains the transformation of the selected field

Code Text
AMN neg. amount
BIC BIC Resolution
CT Codetable
IGN Ignore
NUM Numeric value
TDA Text to Date
TID TradeConnect ID
PTM Address Resolution (PTM)
TX1 Text up to /
TX2 Text after /
CTC Check Key in Codetable
BIE BIC Trimming
CTU Codetable for 'Unmapped'
UNM Unmapped
NU1 Numeric value up to /
ADR Address resolution from block
PUP Purpose Code(22A)
UTC Check Upper Case Code in Codetable

Datafield CPYFLG Copy Flag

If any mapping is copied into an existing mapping, only those entries generated using the 'Copy' function are overwritten. This information - that the entry was generated by copy and not edited manually - is stored in the Copy Flag field.

Datafield OVWFLG Overwrite Flag

For fields marked 'Overwrite', content in the target record will be overwritten by content from the message.

For fields marked 'Don't overwrite' any content in the target field will NOT be overwritten by content from the message.

Code Text
N Don't overwrite

Datafield DSTGRP Destination Group

This field holds the name of the field group available.

Datafield ALTMAPFLG Alternative Mapping

This field is used to define an alternative mapping for upcoming Standards Releases

en/app/020cor/080cfg/070swm/0410swm.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)