
Adding a Field Mapping

Transaction DBASWH

This transaction is used to create a field mapping entry.

Detailed information about this static data system can be found under “Maintaining Field Mappings for Incoming Messages”.

Transaction Panels

Field Mapping


Datafield Description
Msg Type Description This field contains the descriptive long name of the selected message type.
Message Format and Source cf Appendix A, Table SWH field FMT
Message Type cf Appendix A, Table SWH field MT
Transaction This field contains the business transaction to which the message is to be
cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD
Alternative Mapping cf Appendix A, Table SWH field ALTMAPFLG
Message Field TAG cf Appendix A, Table SWM field TAG
Message TAG Sub ID cf Appendix A, Table SWM field SUBTAG
Group This field contains the field group in relation to the selected transaction.
Available fields for the selected field group are then displayed in the
'possible data fields' box.
cf Appendix A, Table SWM field DSTGRP
Destination Field cf Appendix A, Table SWM field DST
Overwrite Flag cf Appendix A, Table SWM field OVWFLG
Additional Mapping Method cf Appendix A, Table SWM field MET
Instruction cf Appendix A, Table SWM field INS

en/app/020cor/080cfg/070swm/2100dbaswh.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/01 09:06 by bp