
Maintain Codetables

Transaction DBISTH

This transaction manages codetables required to process transactions. As the contents of a table needs to be accurate to ensure that the system or a transaction works correctly, any amendments made should be done with the assistance of an administrator.

Code tables can be defined so that they apply system-wide, i.e., apply to all entity groups = Level 'All Entity Groups', or individually for each entity group = Level 'Entity Group'. This is needed to allow different texts to be defined for different entity groups

After selecting an existing codetable, the contents of this codetable is displayed.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons the list below for:

To add a new codetable to the database, click and define or select “Level”, “Language”, “Key Length”, “Text Length” and “Sorting”.

  • A codetable can only be created in the system language English.
  • The six-digit code of a codetable has to be upper case (e.g. “ATPTXT”).
  • In case lower case letters are used in field “Table” when creating a new codetable, these will automatically be converted into upper case.
  • The “Code” itself must be entered in upper case.
  • The buttons [+] and [-] can be used to add lines to or delete lines from the table.
  • After clicking the icon the codetable will also be created automatically for the other available languages.

These tables will then have to be translated into the relevant language by selecting the desired language and clicking the icon.

Such a new codetable then has to be incorporated into the transaction rules by the supporter in order to for the content to be made available during transaction processing.

Export function

When exporting a code table, all existing languages are exported to the language-related CTE file.

Functions Import All / Export All

For release changes, the function is required for preparation. The function is used, for example, to upgrade a production stock.

**Important note**

Changes to and deletion of existing code tables can have a significant impact on correct system processing. Accordingly, changes and deletions should only be made very carefully with administrator support.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Table ID cf Appendix A, Table STH field TBL
Level cf Appendix A, Table STH field LEV
Code Length cf Appendix A, Table STH field CODLEN
Text Length cf Appendix A, Table STH field TXTLEN
Type of Sort cf Appendix A, Table STH field SRT
Not translatable Table cf Appendix A, Table STH field NO_TRLFLG
Code cf Appendix A, Table STB field COD
Text cf Appendix A, Table STB field TXT

en/app/020cor/080cfg/090tbl/0090dbisth.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/26 09:55 by bp