
Info Codetables

Transaction INFSTH

This transaction is used for searching and displaying codetables.

When the transaction starts, the “Search Panel” is displayed. Once (parts of) the Code Table name is entered, the icon can be clicked to run the search.

All codetables that meet the selection criteria are displayed in a selection list. The user can also simply run the search without selecting any fields to display the whole codetable list.

Selecting a codetable (by double-clicking an entry in the list or clicking the icon after marking an entry) further details of the codetable are displayed on the “Codetable” panel. These detailed information include all data stored for the selected codetable.

By clicking the icon, the codetable information can be printed.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel


Datafield Description
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.



Datafield Description
Table ID cf Appendix A, Table STH field TBL
Level cf Appendix A, Table STH field LEV
Code Length cf Appendix A, Table STH field CODLEN
Text Length cf Appendix A, Table STH field TXTLEN
Type of Sort cf Appendix A, Table STH field SRT
Not translatable Table cf Appendix A, Table STH field NO_TRLFLG
Code cf Appendix A, Table STB field COD
Text cf Appendix A, Table STB field TXT

en/app/020cor/080cfg/090tbl/0200infsth.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/28 12:08 by mm