
Import the Codetables

Transaction DBYSTH

This transaction can be used to import codetables.

These codetables are saved as files with the extension .cte. The available mappings are displayed in the field “Codetables for Import”. In the “Path for Import” field, the complete path of the directory is specified from which the codetables are imported. By default, the files are stored in directory 'cte' of the 'data' partition.

Codetables to be imported can be selected by clicking the appropriate filename in the field “Codetables for Import”. After selecting the file click to import the relevant codetable from this directory.

Detailed information about this static data system can be found under “Maintain Codetables.”

Transaction Panels


en/app/020cor/080cfg/090tbl/5100dbysth.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/19 15:46 by erdoen