
General Information

Check routes indicate the name of the bank items for collection (order and travel checks and debit notes) can be drawn on, depending on the country in which they are payable and the currency.

The code for a check routed is composed of the currency and nature of the items and country in which they are payable. This code is used to determine the relevant collecting bank. The following details can also be captured:

  • the value date for debitting an account, recognising an acquisition,
  • whether the collecting bank charges fees for the presentation of checks, and
  • the account the collecting bank agrees to be debitted/pledges cover.


At present, check routes are only used in the “Check Handling” (CH) sector.

en/app/020cor/080cfg/100cro/0010crobas.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/01 13:42 by bp