
Maintaining a Import Check Routing

Transaction DBICRI

This transaction is used to maintain check routes for import checks in the business sector “Check Handling” (CH).

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

A check route indicates via which domestic collecting bank a payment documented can be collected.

Depending on the type of collection document (e.g., order check, travellers check, etc.) and the country on which it is drawn, a collecting bank can be chosen from the addresses stored in the system. All payment documents with the same criteria for “Country” and “Payment document” can then be sent to this collecting bank.

If a default account has been defined, then this account along with the associated settlement code will be used for the settlement in the remittance creation.

There is a further option to modify the check route control on a customer-specific basis. By way of example, a more sophisticated control for country = 'Germany' has been implemented in the standard product. This is achieved by using the group of banks defined via the 4th digit of the German clearing code ('Bank Identifier'), or the 8th digit of the IBAN, respectively. In addition, a more sophisticated check route control has been implemented for the bank group of the savings banks and 'Landesbanken' according to clearing code districts (the first 3 digits of the clearing code).

Transaction Panels

Check Routing


Datafield Description
Collecting Bank's Country Code cf Appendix A, Table CRI field COLCTY
Type of payment document cf Appendix A, Table CRI field COD
Bank Group Identifier cf Appendix A, Table CRI field BNKGRP
Bank Code Number Begin cf Appendix A, Table CRI field BLZBEG
Bank Code Number End cf Appendix A, Table CRI field BLZEND
Alternate Technical Key of Associated Address cf Appendix A, Table PTA field OBJKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTA field NAM
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ACT field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table ACT field NAM

en/app/020cor/080cfg/100cro/0100dbicri.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/23 07:21 by bp