
RZP - Repayment Plan

Module RZP


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
EXTKEY Key of Export Finance Simulation Text 24
NAM Name of Export Finance Simulation Text 40
VER Version Text 4
CRDAMT Credit Amount Numeric 18
CRDCUR Currency Text 3 CURTXT
ACTINR Internal Unique ID of ACT Text 8
PTEINR Internal Unique ID of PTE Text 8
RZDINR Internal Unique ID of RZD Text 8
ROL Role of Address Text 3 ROLALL
TMPFLG Temporary RZP Text 1
CAPVARSTM Stream Capital repayment variable Stream 1
INTVARSTM Stream Interest variable Stream 1
CAPDATSTM Stream Capital repayment dates Stream 1
INTDATSTM Stream Interest dates Stream 1
CONFLG Consolidated (used for migrated contracts) Text 1
FACEAMT Face Amount Numeric 18
FACEVARSTM Stream Face Amount variable Stream 1
FACECUR Currency Text 3 CURTXT
ENDDAT Final Maturity Date 12
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield EXTKEY Key of Export Finance Simulation

This field holds the external key to identify a Export Finance Simulation.

Datafield NAM Name of Export Finance Simulation

This is the visible name of a Export Finance Simulation. This name is used in selection list and on panels to identify a Export Finance Simulation.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield CRDAMT Credit Amount

Credit amount of repayment plan

Datafield CRDCUR Currency

Currency of repayment plan

Datafield ACTINR Internal Unique ID of ACT

ACTINR holds an account of the repayment plan

Datafield PTEINR Internal Unique ID of PTE

PTEINR holds pointer on liability record of the repayment plan if available

Datafield RZDINR Internal Unique ID of RZD

RZDINR holds a pointer on Repayment Plan Header

Datafield ROL Role of Address

Role identifier to identify the different parties involved in a contract. The allowed roles per type of contract may differ from business sector to business sector.

Datafield TMPFLG Temporary RZP

Non-empty value means it is only a temporary plan and is not yet in usage

Datafield CAPVARSTM Stream Capital repayment variable

Stream holds variable repayment plan if the due dates are not yet delivered

Datafield INTVARSTM Stream Interest variable

Stream holds interest variable repayment plan if the due dates are not yet delivered

Datafield CAPDATSTM Stream Capital repayment dates

Stream holds a whole repayment plan with repayment dates for capital amount

Datafield INTDATSTM Stream Interest dates

Stream holds a whole repayment plan with repayment dates for interest amount

Datafield CONFLG Consolidated (used for migrated contracts)

Non-empty value means the repayment plan is a consolidated one (used for migrated contracts)

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield FACEAMT Face Amount

Face amount of the repayment plan

Datafield FACEVARSTM Stream Face Amount variable

Stream holds variable repayment plan for face amount if the due dates are not yet delivered

Datafield FACECUR Currency

Face currency of the repayment plan

Datafield ENDDAT Final Maturity

Final maturity date of the repayment plan

en/app/020cor/080cfg/130rzp/0440rzp.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)