
Info allNETT/RIVO Data

Transaction INFANA

This info transaction allows to search and display allNETT main record data.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel


Datafield Description
Extkey Field to identify an allNETT record. This field is set from ANTDEALNO.
If entered search result will show entries matching the searchcriteria only.
Name of the ANA Record Long readable description of the EXTKEY.
If entered, search result will show entries matching the searchcriteria only.
Searchresult Displays the searchresult and shows entries matching the entered search criteria.
Double click on an entry line will show more details for the specified record.
DOKA Ref. / allNETT Deal No. Contract reference in allNETT as assigned by the back end (i.e. OWNREF from DOKA-NG).
If entered, search result will show entries matching the search criteria only.
Business Sector Business sector of the contract the ANA record refers to.
If entered, search result will show entries matching the searchcriteria only.
allNETT customer ID allNETT customer main ID
If entered, search result will show entries matching the searchcriteria only.
allNETT customer reference allNETT reference as assigned by the allNETT customer.
If entered, search result will show entries matching the searchcriteria only.

Contract of target system


Datafield Description
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTA field NAM
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ANA field EXTKEY
allNETT contract reference cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTDEALNO
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table CCI field OWNREF
allNETT customer reference cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTCSTREF
allNETT contract type cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTDELTYP
Main contract type cf Appendix A, Table ANA field OBJTYP
Main contract subtype cf Appendix A, Table ANA field CONSUBTYP
allNETT Deal Type of contract creation cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTCREDELTYP
allNETT customer id cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTID
INR of contract customer party address association cf Appendix A, Table ANA field CSTPTAINR
allNETT entity cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTETY
allNETT last amendment no cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTLSTAMDNO
allNETT last bookoff no cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTLSTBKFNO
allNETT last event no cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTLSTEVTNO
allNETT last miscellaneous no cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTLSTMSCNO
allNETT last payment of acceptance no cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTLSTPOANO
allNETT last transfer amendment no cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTLSTTAMNO
allNETT last transfer no cf Appendix A, Table ANA field ANTLSTTFRNO
allNETT step type cf Appendix A, Table ANB field ANTSTPTYP
allNETT Step No cf Appendix A, Table ANB field ANTSTPNO
allNETT step subtype cf Appendix A, Table ANB field ANTSTPSUBTYP
Purchase Order Number cf Appendix A, Table ANB field ANTPOANO
Request of amendment flag cf Appendix A, Table ANB field RAMFLG
allNETT message direction cf Appendix A, Table ANB field MSGFLW

en/app/020cor/090tn/0010infana.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/12 15:51 (external edit)