
General Information Control & Release


Processed transaction types have to be released by authorized users. Only then they are available for subsequent processing steps.

In order to facilitate the work of the verifying user, the “Control & Release” transaction offers the following possibilities:

  • Targeted selection of transactions that need to be checked
  • Complete displays of all the screens for the transaction with generated correspondence for control purposes
  • Direct release after the control procedure has been completed
  • System control of the release hierarchy

The subsequent processing steps are carried out and controlled by means of the workflow, an automatic processing control system. This workflow concept allows each transaction to be processed individually according to its specific conditions. The sequence of operations can be changed by making the necessary adjustments to the workflow configuration.

The transaction verification function allows the bank to define signature requirements per operation, depending on any kind of criteria. Signature requirements are defined in terms of the number of signatures needed for different users. The requirements also define the number of required signatures if the value of the transaction exceeds the user authorization. Each user's profile indicates whether he has a valid signature and up to which amount his/her signature is qualified.

Multi release method is also possible where multiple approvals can be defined for different hierarchy of amounts. For more information please refer Maintaining Multi Signature Setting


Starting the “Control & Release” transaction, a “selection panel” is shown where different selection criteria may be entered and all transactions following these criteria are listed together with key information such as Reference, Transaction Type, Status etc.

From this panel the user may directly release (or reject) the transaction or change to a more detailed “Transaction Header” panel where more information on the release status is available as well as a direct link to the generated correspondence.

If the user wants further transaction details he has access to all the transaction panels by using the Display button. This makes all information related to the processed transaction available.


By clicking the icon, the system checks the release hierarchy of the user and enters the signature of the user to this transaction. If all signatures required for this transaction are entered, it is finally released and processed further in the Workflow by the system.If signatures are still missing the transaction 'waits' for the signatures to be entered.

Reject / Correction

If the user cannot release the transaction because of errors contained, he can then either reject it or schedule the transaction for correction.

Reject deletes the transaction completely, reversing all activities in the system which were instigated by the transaction and places the transaction in the Recycling Bin. The release flag for all dependent transactions is set to Reject. All remaining Workflow entries for this transaction (with the exception of SRVCLN) will be set to Cancel or to Skip by the service SRVPDS or SRVPDP.

Correction does the same as Reject, but places the transaction with its data in the pending item list so that it can be picked up from there and a new transaction can be processed by using the data from the old transaction. The release flag for all dependent transactions are set to Correction. All remaining Workflow entries for this transaction (with the exception of SRVCLN) will be set to Cancel or Skip by the service SRVPDS or SRVPDP.

en/app/020cor/090tn/010spt/0020bsconbas.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 11:44 by bagyaraj