
Selecting Pending Items

Transaction SPTSEL

This transaction is used to select deleted/ rejected transactions in order to delete them permanently or to retrieve these items from the recycle bin.

Depending on the type of transaction, other pending items can be selected such as:

  • Incoming messages
  • Registered items
  • Paused transactions
  • Correction transactions
  • Transactions to be processed automatically

In addition, the responsible user group, the responsible user and additional selection fields can all be selected, which narrows the result list of the search in accordance with the selection criteria.

Pending items found are displayed in the table. Search results can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column headers.

After selecting a pending item, the following icons can be used for further processing:

  • starts the subsequent transaction named in the list in the TRN field.
  • enables the subsequent transaction to be modified or forwarded (rerouted).
  • enables an incoming message to be mapped to an existing contract without first processing it via a transaction.
  • shows the infotext that is associated to the transaction.
  • displays the formatted incoming message.
  • moves the transaction to the recycling bin.
  • brings bacgk the transaction from the recycle bin.
  • permanently deletes the transaction.
  • displays the details of a selected pending item in a separate panel.
  • starts the appropriate pre-issuing transaction with the entry taken up. Here, contracts that have not yet been saved are stored and the closed directly. This means that business that has not come into being can still be stored in the database and is available in reports.

Multiple selection

It is only possible to select multiple entries at the same time if one checkbox has been checked.

If multiple contracts have been selected, they can be moved to recycling bin by clicking .

If only deleted/ rejected transactions are selected, the selected objects can be permanently removed using the icon or can be retrieved from the recycling bin via ).

Show blocked Entries

Checking the “Show blocked Entries” checkbox also displays blocked entities.

Example: A Request of Amendment transaction (e.g. LITRAM) always creates an autoregistration command in the list of pending items for the subsequent amendment transaction (e.g. LITAME). Initially, however, the registration of the amendment transaction is blocked. This block will automatically be removed when the triggering transaction is finally saved (through the Commit service). Only then does the entry become visible in the list of pending items. And only at this point can the subsequent item be processed further in the application.

Transaction Panels


Datafield Description
Incoming Checking this box displays incoming messages.
Registered Checking this box displays registered transactions.
Pending Checking this box displays pending transactions.
Correction Checking this box displays the transaction waiting for correction.
Automatic Check this box to automatically display entries to be processed.
Deleted Checking this box displys deleted transactions.
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.

en/app/020cor/090tn/010spt/0100sptsel.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/12 15:55 (external edit)