
Handle Events

Transaction DBMEVT

If a problem or an error occurs while working in the application or with a background manager, these will be logged as events. One error, one error event. The error events cause the Watchdog to report the entire system as faulty, even if the problem has already been rectified.

The transaction DBMEVT can be used to mark these events as having been handled. The Watchdog will then ignore those events marked as handled and will no longer report the system as faulty.

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Selecting the entity In this field a selection can be made of the entity region for which
processing is to be carried out.
Depending on the selection made, the appropriate
entity (group) is displayed and/or selected.
Entity group Here, the entity group is displayed for
which processing is to be carried out.
Entity Here, the entity group is displayed for
processing is to be carried out.



Datafield Description
Internal Unique ID cf Appendix A, Table EVT field INR
Frame Creating the Event cf Appendix A, Table EVT field FRM
Timestamp cf Appendix A, Table EVT field DATTIM
Return Code of Function cf Appendix A, Table EVT field RTN
Textual Event Description cf Appendix A, Table EVT field TXT
Object Type cf Appendix A, Table EVT field OBJTYP
Object INR cf Appendix A, Table EVT field OBJINR
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.
User ID cf Appendix A, Table SSN field USR
Application Server cf Appendix A, Table SSN field APPSRV
PID of Process in Application Server cf Appendix A, Table SSN field APPPID
Display Server cf Appendix A, Table SSN field DISSRV
PID of Process in Display Server cf Appendix A, Table SSN field DISPID
Termination Status of Session cf Appendix A, Table SSN field STA
Background Flag cf Appendix A, Table SSN field BCKGRD
Start of Session cf Appendix A, Table SSN field BEGDATTIM
End of Session cf Appendix A, Table SSN field ENDDATTIM
Name of Logical Engine cf Appendix A, Table SSN field ENG
Internal Unique ID cf Appendix A, Table SSN field INR
Last Start of a Transaction cf Appendix A, Table SSN field LSTDATTIM
ID of Last Started Transaction cf Appendix A, Table SSN field LSTFRM
Archived Flag ('A', 'N') cf Appendix A, Table EVT field ARCFLG

en/app/020cor/090tn/020evt/0100dbmevt.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:34 (external edit)