
General Information

The application supports both the 'Acknowledgments' generated by the SWIFT system and 'negative acknowledgments' as well as the 'Delivery Notification' (if requested on dispatch of the SWIFT message).

For every outgoing SWIFT message an acknowledgment (MT 021) is sent by the SWIFT system. These acknowledgments (ACK/NACK) can be automatically associated with the contract that created the original SWIFT message. When DOKA-NG generates an outgoing SWIFT message, a Message Unique Reference (MUR) is generated and assigned to the outgoing message. This MUR is returned by the SWIFT system when sending back acknowledgements, rejections (negative acknowledgements) and delivery notifications.

The acknowledgments, rejections and delivery notifications sent back by the SWIFT system are assigned automatically to the outgoing message records by the Manager for Incoming Messages in the background. Contract and open entries in the event system of the application are automatically updated.

The current status of an “Acknowledgment” requested can be queried via transaction Info Acknowledgment Entry.

Furthermore, it is possible to print the contents of an existing acknowledgment entry and to display the respective loginfo.

DOKA-NG supports Acknowledgements for Standard SWIFT FIN messages as well as ISO 20022 based CBPR+ payment messages.

en/app/020cor/090tn/040ack/0010ackbas.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/09 14:58 by mk