
ACK - Acknowledge Entries

Module ACK


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
OBJTYP Object Type Text 6
OBJINR Object INR Text 8
OBJSUB Sub-ID for Object (e.g.SMHINR) Text 8
OUTSRV Sending Service Text 6
GENDATTIM Timestamp of Generation Datetime 15
ACKSRV Service for Incoming Acknowledgment Text 6
EXTKEY External Key Text 32
RCVDATTIM Last Update Datetime 15
CLA Class of ACK (in the Object) Text 3
STA Status Text 1 Embedded
NACTXT Reason of NACK Text 60
NACSTM Additional NACK Information Stream 1
ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup Text 8
GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields. Text 10

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OBJTYP Object Type

The field identifies the type of object the acknowledgement entry refers to.

Datafield OBJINR Object INR

The identification number (INR) of the object within the table, defined in Object Type.

Datafield OBJSUB Sub-ID for Object (e.g.SMHINR)

An ID identifying the message within an object can be stored here. This is typically the identification number (INR) of the message header used to differentiate between different messages for the same business transaction.

Datafield OUTSRV Sending Service

Logical channel used to send the message.

Datafield GENDATTIM Timestamp of Generation

Date and time when this record was created.

Datafield ACKSRV Service for Incoming Acknowledgment

The logical channel on which an acknowledgment is expected. Depending on the value of the 'Sending Service', this is normally set to generate an acknowledgment record (e.g. in a specific installation, outgoing SWIFT messages might be acknowledged by incoming SWIFT system messages).

Datafield EXTKEY External Key

Reference that has to be contained in a message received as acknowledgment (ACK). This key allows the reconciliation of incoming acknowledge messages and ACK records and is typically set, when the ACK record is created.

Datafield RCVDATTIM Last Update

Date and time the last acknowledgement was received.

Datafield CLA Class of ACK (in the Object)

Allows different classes of acknowledgements (ACKs) to be created for an object, unless this field has been left empty.

Example: In combination with several pending services, this could allow the workflow to proceed to a certain step when all ACKs of one level (e.g. 'messages sent') have been received, while other steps (e.g. cancel) are postponed until other acknowledgments (e.g. 'funds transfer confirmed') have been received.

Datafield STA Status

'O'pen acknowledgement record was created when message was sent. Waiting for positive or negative acknowledgment.

'A'cknowledged Positive acknowledge has been received.

'R'ejected Negative acknowledgement has been received.

Code Text
O Open
R Rejected (NAC)
A Acknowledged
M Manually confirmed

Datafield ETGEXTKEY Entitygroup

This field holds the external key of the owning entity group to identify the logical owner of this entry. This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity group are visible to the user.

Datafield GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields.

Field holding the concatenated and normalized sum of all search fields used by quick search. This is one of the fields set in a SdbSetNRMFields method defined in the table definition module.

Datafield NACTXT Reason of NACK

Reason of rejection. Text is coming from external interface and copied to the acknowledgement entry (ACK).

Datafield NACSTM Additional NACK Information

If additional information on the NACK Reason are received from the message channel, platform, this information is tored in this info field

en/app/020cor/090tn/040ack/0400ack.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/27 09:28 (external edit)