
General Information

If foreign commission/charges are captured in a transaction, the disposition code allows you to decide whether the commission/fee is to settled immediately (X), advised now (V) or stored in the fee pool (P). Options 'P' and 'V' place both place the fee in the pool. The difference being that with 'V', the fee is indicated in correspondence.

The fee is written as it has been captured - i.e. including any manual changes made to the default - as a entry in the pool for the current contract. “Internal commission/fees” land from the first grid of the Settlement Panel in the pool for external fees (FCP), “own commission/fees” land from the second grid of the Settlement Panel in the FEP fee pool.

Every other transaction carried out with this contract which contains settlement options reads the fees stored from both pools and enters them in the relevant grid. This gives the user another opportunity to settle them, to notify them or to leave them in the pool without modifying them.

The entry is removed from the pool when the fee is finally settled.

In the transaction that closes the contract, the disposition code can only be set to 'settle now', which necessitates the settlement of the outstanding fees.

en/app/020cor/090tn/050fep/0010fepbas.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)