
Adding a new Finance Base Document

Transaction DBAFBD

This transaction is used to add a new finance base documents for a buyer and supplier pairing, that will be used in connection with Approved Payable Finance and Receivable Finance.

To add the documents based on the pairing, buyer and supplier must be selected. In order to select an existing party, at least a part of the party name has to be entered. Alternatively, the parties can be searched by clicking the icon.

The documents that needs to be advanced has to be added here. Details such as document number, type of document, due date, amount and status must be entered.

The type of document can be one of the below

  • Invoice,
  • Debit Note or
  • Credit Note

The documents can be added in one of the two ways:

  • Added manually one by one using the “Add” button
  • Copy and Paste from a text file using the “Multi” button which then converts the data to the required format.

The documents can be added using the “Multi” button using various Input formats. Sample input formats are:

  • Invoice A
Invoice Number Invoice Date Due Date Currency Amount
INV001 01/12/2020 05/01/2021 EUR6000
  • Invoice B
Invoice Number Invoice Date Due Date Amount
INV001 01/12/2020 05/01/2021 6000
  • Invoice C
Invoice Number Invoice Date Due Date DIA PT Currency Amount Reference
INV001 01/12/2020 05/01/2021 -45 NL60 EUR 6000 JOREC01132/01_02
  • Invoice D
Invoice Number Invoice Date Due Date PO Number Amount
INV001 01/12/2020 05/01/2021 4500004055 6000
  • Invoice E
Invoice Number Invoice Date Due Date PO Number Amount Discount % Discount
INV001 01/12/2020 05/01/2021 4500004055 6000 1% 174
  • Invoice F
Invoice Date Invoice Number Amount
01/12/2020 INV001 6000
  • Invoice G
Invoice Date Invoice Number PO Number Reference Type Due Date Past Currency Amount
01/12/2020 INV001 4500004055 JOREC01132/01_02 Invoice05/01/2021 -8 EUR 6000
  • Invoice H
Invoice Date Invoice Number Currency Amount cd (cashdiscount) 0.75% Net Amount
01/12/2020 INV001 USD 7536.59 56.527,480.07
  • Invoice I
Invoice Date Due Date Amount Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice Number PO Number
01/12/2020 05/01/2021 6000 123 Vendor AINV001 4500004055

Transaction Panels

Finance Base Documents


Datafield Description
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
Add Payment on Account “Payment on Account” (PoA) is a type of FBD document that is added to the pool,
when there is any remaning amount left after paying all invoices from the money sent by the buyer.
This is only possible from the Repayment transaction.

Finance Base Documents

Finance Base Document


Datafield Description
Date Created cf Appendix A, Table FBD field CREDAT
Dispute Date cf Appendix A, Table FBD field DISDAT
Dispute Reason cf Appendix A, Table FBD field DISREA

en/app/020cor/090tn/060fbd/0200dbafbd.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/23 12:29 (external edit)