
USR - User Profile

Module USR


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
EXTKEY External Key Text 8
NAM Name Text 40
LGIFLG Login Disabled Text 1 Embedded
SSNBEGDATTIM Last Session / Login Datetime 15
SSNINR INR of Last Session Text 8
VER Version Text 4
PRI Priority Flag to Mark Initial Record Text 1 Embedded
DOCEDTFLG Document Editor Text 1
ETY Default/Initial ETY of User Text 8
USG User Group of User Text 6 USGTXT
LSTDIADAT Last Display of Diary Date 12
RELCUR Release Currency Text 3 CURTXT
RELAMT Release Amount Numeric 18
RELAMT2ND 2nd Release Amount Numeric 18
RELGRP Release Group Text 1 SIGTYP
SPQFLG Remote Client Printing activated, if not empty Text 3 Embedded
APLPRF Application Profile Text 16
SASFLG SaaS User Text 1
TEL Phone Text 30
FAX Fax Number of User Text 30
EML Email Address of User Text 80
QUEPOW Available Time Capacity for Queue Processing Numeric 6
LETOENR Organisational Unit in letters Text 30
BEGTIM1 Begin of working 1st day Numeric 4
BEGTIM2 Begin of working 2nd day Numeric 4
BEGTIM3 Begin of working 3rd day Numeric 4
BEGTIM4 Begin of working 4th day Numeric 4
BEGTIM5 Begin of working 5th day Numeric 4
BEGTIM6 Begin of working 6th day Numeric 4
BEGTIM7 Begin of working 7th day Numeric 4
ENDTIM1 End of working 1st day Numeric 4
ENDTIM2 End of working 2nd day Numeric 4
ENDTIM3 End of working 3rd day Numeric 4
ENDTIM4 End of working 4th day Numeric 4
ENDTIM5 End of working 5th day Numeric 4
ENDTIM6 End of working 6th day Numeric 4
ENDTIM7 End of working 7th day Numeric 4
WRKHRS1 Working hours 1st day Numeric 4
WRKHRS2 Working hours 2nd day Numeric 4
WRKHRS3 Working hours 3rd day Numeric 4
WRKHRS4 Working hours 4th day Numeric 4
WRKHRS5 Working hours 5th day Numeric 4
WRKHRS6 Working hours 6th day Numeric 4
WRKHRS7 Working hours 7th day Numeric 4
WRKPLNHRS Part of working time to be planned [h] Numeric 5
EML2 Group Email Address for User Text 80
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8
GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields. Text 60
OENR Organizational Unit Text 4
ETAEXTKEY Entity Address Text 8
PRF Profile Text 40
ADMFLG Security Administrator Text 1
DSGFLG Designer Text 1
SECLEV Security Level Numeric 2
SECSTA Security Status Text 1 Embedded

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield EXTKEY External Key

This is the technical short name used to identify a user within an installation. This user ID might be different to the user ID used to login to the application server, depending on the login mechanism used and the environment.

Datafield NAM Name

This is the long name of a user. This name is used throughout the application where a detailed name of a user is required to make a selection.

Datafield LGIFLG Login Disabled

Setting this field to a non-empty value disables the login. If default TradeDesign rights are used to handlethe master file, maintenance routines would automatically delete the TradeDesign rights entry for this user, making it impossible for the user to login.

Code Text
Login Profile enabled
Y No Login Profile
D Entity Profile canceled

Datafield SSNBEGDATTIM Last Session / Login

Timestamp of the last login to the system.

Datafield SSNINR INR of Last Session

Unique ID of the session used for the last login.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield PRI Priority Flag to Mark Initial Record

The Priority flag can be used to identify the initial record in a multi-entity environment, where the User table has not been declared global. If multiple entries are available for a single user ID, the entry with a non-empty value in the Priority field is used for the initial login.

Code Text
keep last used entity
X This is the initial entity

Datafield ETY Default/Initial ETY of User

This field defines the initial entity of a user after login.

Datafield USG User Group of User

User group the user is associated to.

Datafield LSTDIADAT Last Display of Diary

The date the personal diary entries were last displayed. This date is used to remind users to take a look into the diary.

Datafield RELCUR Release Currency

This field contains the currency for the amount to be released.

Datafield RELAMT Release Amount

This field contains the maximum amount the user is allowed to release transactions (see also the Release field)

Datafield RELAMT2ND 2nd Release Amount

This field contains the maxium amount users are allowed to release for their own transactions. (See also field “Release”)

Datafield RELGRP Release Group

This field contains the release rights. “Officer” = allowed to release, “Clerk” = not authorized to release

Datafield SPQFLG Remote Client Printing activated, if not empty

This field controls whether this user is allowed to print request created for local printing (remote client printing).

Code Text
Not Activated
USR Only Own Printouts
USF Printouts For Selected Other Users

Datafield APLPRF Application Profile

The field application profile defines, which type of queue entries are assigned to a user. If no application profile is defined, any types of queue entries are assigned to a user.

In order to exclude certain queue types, it is possible to define an application profile with the ending *.tda in the ini-folder. In section [Balance CLA] for each value of the embedded codetable QUECLA (e.g. INC or RIM or REL) the assignment of entries can be excluded.


clerk.tda, [Balance CLA] REL=X excludes that Release queue entries (type REL) are assigned to users that have no authorization rights.

In the MyModelbank, these application profiles are available: Clerk.tda: Any type of queue entries, except release Officer.tda: Any type of queue entries Releaser.tda: Only queue entries of type = Release (REL) Admin/Manager.tda: No queue entries are assigned

Datafield TEL Phone

This field contains the user's telephone number which can then be used during correspondence.

Datafield FAX Fax Number of User

This field holds the fax number of the user used for correspondence.

Datafield EML Email Address of User

This field contains the Email address of the user used for correspondence.

Datafield QUEPOW Available Time Capacity for Queue Processing

This field describes the user's availability for queue processing. This can be the user's daytime availability, for example.

This value and its relation to the total for all users or all users of a user group is used to estimate static and dynamic capacities for automatic load balancing.

Datafield LETOENR Organisational Unit in letters

This field contains the name of the organisational unit (department) of the user and is printed in the header of the outgoing correspondence.

Datafield COLOR Color

This field controls the color in which the entries assigned to the user are displayed in the Dashboard charts.

Datafield BEGTIM1 Begin of working 1st day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Sunday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield BEGTIM2 Begin of working 2nd day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Monday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield BEGTIM3 Begin of working 3rd day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Tuesday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield BEGTIM4 Begin of working 4th day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Wednesday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield BEGTIM5 Begin of working 5th day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Thursday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield BEGTIM6 Begin of working 6th day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Friday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield BEGTIM7 Begin of working 7th day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Saturday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield ENDTIM1 End of working 1st day

This field contains the time the work should end on Sunday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield ENDTIM2 End of working 2nd day

This field contains the time the work should end on Monday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield ENDTIM3 End of working 3rd day

This field contains the time the work should end on Tuesday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield ENDTIM4 End of working 4th day

This field contains the time the work should end on Wednesday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield ENDTIM5 End of working 5th day

This field contains the time the work should end on Thursday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield ENDTIM6 End of working 6th day

This field contains the time the work should end on Friday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield ENDTIM7 End of working 7th day

This field contains the time the work should end on Saturday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield WRKHRS1 Working hours 1st day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Sunday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield WRKHRS2 Working hours 2nd day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Monday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield WRKHRS3 Working hours 3rd day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Tuesday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield WRKHRS4 Working hours 4th day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Wednesday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield WRKHRS5 Working hours 5th day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Thursday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield WRKHRS6 Working hours 6th day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Friday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield WRKHRS7 Working hours 7th day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Saturday. The format is hh.mm.

Datafield WRKPLNHRS Part of working time to be planned [h]

This field specifies the part of the working time which should be planned with SLA.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield OENR Organizational Unit

This field holds the organizational unit to which the user is associated.

Datafield ETAEXTKEY Entity Address

This field contains the entity address as defined in 'Displaying an Entity Address'.

Datafield GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields.

Field holding the concatenated and normalized sum of all search fields used by quick search. This is one of the fields set in a SdbSetNRMFields method defined in the table definition module.

Datafield EML2 Group Email Address for User

This field contains the Group Email address the user is associated with

Datafield PRF Profile

User Profile

Datafield ADMFLG Security Administrator

If checked the user has system administration rights that include user administration right.

Datafield DSGFLG Designer

Indicates, if a user is allowed to switch to the designer mode of this application. This enables the user to define helptexts, rules and XML templates etc.

Datafield SECLEV Security Level

For developer only.

In case TradeDesign is configured to run in restricted mode this field defines the minimum security level on which this user can change sources.

Datafield SECSTA Security Status

This field contains the user status and indicates whether the user status is normal, expired, blocked, reset or a new password was defined.

Code Text
0 Normal
1 Expired
2 Blocked
4 Reset
5 New Password

Datafield DOCEDTFLG Document Editor

If this flag is set the relevant user is allowed to edit XML templates via document editor. Only if in addition also the designer flag is set one can also edit document rules.

Datafield SASFLG SaaS User

Indicates if the current user is a user of a TFaaS solution of this application. On TFaaS systems all application users have to be defined as TFaaS user, except those of the vendor.

en/app/020cor/100sys/010usr/0400usr.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/13 08:40 (external edit)