
SYSUSR - TDRights data of user



Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
EXTKEY User ID Text 8
NAM User Name Text 40
PRF Profile Text 16
UIL Language Text 2 UILTXT
STA Status Text 1 Embedded
DSG Designer Text 1 Embedded
ADM Administrator Text 1 Embedded
NOLCNT Unsuccessful Retry Count Numeric 3
PWCDATTIM Last Password Change Datetime 15
PWEDATTIM Date of Password Expiry Datetime 15
LGIDATTIM Last Login Datetime 15
LGUDATTIM Last unsuccessfull Login Datetime 15

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield EXTKEY User ID

This is the technical short name used to identify a user within an installation. This user ID might be different to the user ID used to login to the application server. This depends on the used login mechanism and the environment.

Datafield NAM User Name

This is the long name of a user. This name is used to be shown in user selections and in any place, where a detailed name of a user is required.

Datafield PRF Profile

The profile assigned to the user within tdrights.ini. This might be the default profile of a user in case the user record holds a column PRF which defines a usually entity specific profile of the user.

Datafield UIL Language

This language code defines the user interface language of the user.

Datafield STA Status

This field holds the loginstatus of the user. Depending on the history the user might be blocked or a password change might be requested.

Code Text
0 Normal
1 Expired
2 Blocked

Datafield DSG Designer

This flag holds the designer property of the user. Within TradeDesign FatClient this property enables the use of the designmode to be able to change the application.

Code Text
0 No Designer
1 Designer

Datafield ADM Administrator

This flag holds the administrator property of the user. Within TradeDesign this property enables the use of the administration functions to be able to change the user profile and user rights.

Code Text
0 No Administrator
1 Administrator

Datafield NOLCNT Unsuccessful Retry Count

This field holds the count of unsuccessfull logins since the last successfull login.

Datafield PWCDATTIM Last Password Change

This field holds the date and time when the password has been changed for the last time.

Datafield PWEDATTIM Date of Password Expiry

This field holds the date and time when the password will expire or has expired. After expiry any login will request a password change.

Datafield LGIDATTIM Last Login

This field holds the date and time when the user has logged in for the last time.

Datafield LGUDATTIM Last unsuccessfull Login

This field holds the date and time when this userid has unsuccessfull tried to login in for the last time.

en/app/020cor/100sys/010usr/0480sysusr.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/14 14:03 (external edit)