
Deleting a Reference Number Configuration

Transaction DBDREF

This transaction is used to delete an existing customized reference number definition.

It is only possible to delete an existing reference number setting, if there are no existing open contracts under that entity group.

Detailed information about this static data can be found under Maintaining Reference Number Configuration.

Transaction Panels

Configuration Reference Number


Datafield Description
Entity's Group cf Appendix A, Table ETY field ETG
Timestamp of Modification cf Appendix A, Table SLG field DATTIM
Business Module cf Appendix A, Table REF field COL1
Position of column1 cf Appendix A, Table REF field POS1
Length of COL1 cf Appendix A, Table REF field LEN1
Entity cf Appendix A, Table REF field COL2
Position of column2 cf Appendix A, Table REF field POS2
Length of COL2 cf Appendix A, Table REF field LEN2
Year cf Appendix A, Table REF field COL3
Position of column3 cf Appendix A, Table REF field POS3
Length of COL3 cf Appendix A, Table REF field LEN3
Counter cf Appendix A, Table REF field COL4
Position of column4 cf Appendix A, Table REF field POS4
Length of COL4 cf Appendix A, Table REF field LEN4
Special Character cf Appendix A, Table REF field COL5
Position of column5 cf Appendix A, Table REF field POS5
Length of COL5 cf Appendix A, Table REF field LEN5
First Sequence cf Appendix A, Table REF field COL6
Position of column6 cf Appendix A, Table REF field POS6
Length of COL6 cf Appendix A, Table REF field LEN6
Special Character cf Appendix A, Table REF field COL7
Position of column7 cf Appendix A, Table REF field POS7
Length of COL7 cf Appendix A, Table REF field LEN7
Second Sequence cf Appendix A, Table REF field COL8
Position of column8 cf Appendix A, Table REF field POS8
Length of COL8 cf Appendix A, Table REF field LEN8
Total Length This is the total length of the contract reference numbers under the entity group.
It cannot exceed 16 digits.

This is automatically updated by the system based on sum of each iteration's length.

References for Business Sectors

en/app/020cor/100sys/030sysc/3075dbdref.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/13 11:20 (external edit)