
Import of Accounts

Transaction IMPACT

This transaction is used to import account data into the database of the application.

The text file to be imported is selected via path and file name and will be imported by clicking the icon.

The log file for this transaction can be displayed by clicking the icon. The log shows information about the updated and added records.

In the Developer Documentation further information about the Standard Import Procedures and customization requirements can be found.

Note: The subdirectory BATIN must be created in the DATA directory of the application. The converted import file has to be in that subdirectory. The structure of the import file depends on each individual environment and has to be clarified between the user and Surecomp DOS.

The file has to be available in ASCII format and has to have a .txt extension.

Import File Requirements

  • Field seperator: The fields have to be seperated by tabulator
  • Fieldsize: All fields must have not more than the in column “max. Size” specified length
  • Fieldformat: The fields must have the in column “Datatype” specified format
  • Character set: ASCII

Field Mapping

Fieldname Description Datatype max. Size Comment
PRI Priority for Defaulting Text 1
CUR Currency Text 3 see CURTXT
EXTKEY Exteral Key Text 34
SERACC Account Number Defined by Servicing Institute Text 34
SERPTY Extkey of Servicing Party Text 8 From that determination of SERPTYINR
Content “OWN” fills with data of current ETY/ETG
HOLACC Account Number of Control Account of Holder Text 34
HOLPTY Extkey of Holder Text 8 From that determination of HOLPTYINR
Content “OWN” fills with data of current ETY/ETG
RMBFLG Reimbursement Account Flag Text 1
DELFLG Deleted Flag Text 1
DIRFLG Available for Text 1
IBAN International Bank Account Number Text 34
SPADAT SEPA Mandate Authorisation Date Date 12 in format dd/mm/jjjj
SPASRVID SEPA Service Id Text 3
SPASTA SEPA Status Text 4
SPAID Sepa Mandate ID Text 35
SPAPRENOT Pre-Notification advance Numeric 2
SPASNDPRENOT Send Pre-Notification Text 4
NAM Name Text 40 if empty, filled from Type, Cur and Name of relevant party
EXTTYP External Account Type Text 3
TYP Account Type Text 3 ACTTYP
INFTXT Text Stream 60 Infotext, will be stored with type 'display'

If a file in DOKA 4 record format should be imported, the respective format has to be used.

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Encoding of Import File Possible encodings are
“CP850” MS-DOS Central Europe
“​UTF-8”​ UTF-8

en/app/020cor/100sys/040imp/0100impact.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/02 12:45 (external edit)