
Import T2-RTGS Directory

Transaction IMPTAR

T2 RTGS Directory

The Eurosystem Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG) is providing serveral Target2 services. One of the services is 'Target2 with RTGS'. In RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlment System) High Value Payments are cleared.

As RTGS is a clearing system for members only, not all banks can participate. Consequently it is handled as a so called 'Closed User Group', which means that message exchange with all direct participants is understood as 'authenticated'. Banks participating or being addressable are listed in this 'RTGS Directory' for Target2, which gives routing information to address direct and indirect participants, multiaddressee institutions and only 'addressable BICs/Correspondents'.

For the import of the RTGS directory file for EUR, the file name convention according to the T2 specifications is considered. Otherwise the file will not be accepted for import.

Content from the T2 RTGS Directory can be displayed in Info T2 RTGS directory.

For use in payment transactions, it is also necessary to create “Addressee BICs” and “Account BIC” for the respective party. Further information can be found in Check addresses against TAD table and Maintaining Parties for the panel T2_RTGS_IDs.

The RTGS-(Target2)-BIC-Code can either be registered in the Maintaining Parties transaction or by importing a full or delta version of the RTGS directory.

Import File Requirements

  • The file must be an 'flat' file with XML extension.
  • File name convention
      • Must begin with RTGS
      • XXX is the currency related to the records in the directory.
        Currency must be EUR, otherwise the import file is rejected. Reason: The application handles only EUR payments for T2-RTGS.
      • TTTT is the type, i.e. either FULL for the full version or DLTA for the delta version
      • YYYYMMDD specifies the year, month and day as of which the RTGS Directory is valid.

The authentication flag of the RTGS address is also set during import. This is required to use these banks as recipients of a T2 RTGS payment.

Field Mapping for Import of T2 RTGS Directory into the application

Field Optional/
in RTGS directory
Original RTGS Field Name Format 'Official' RTGS description Table in the application Field in the application Import Comment
1 M BIC CHAR(11) BIC that uniquely identifies a RTGS Participant.
This BIC is for information purpose only and cannot
be used to address payments.
Not imported but used to identify an existing BIC,
to match with the entry in the RTGS directory.
It is equal to “Swift BIC”.
2 M Addressee BIC CHAR(11) BIC to be used in the message business header to address payments.
It is equal to the Account BIC except for Multi-Addressee BICs.
This is the RTGS BIC for field “<TO>” of the receiver in the messages business header.
3 M Account BIC CHAR(11) BIC identifying the RTGS Domestic Cash Account (DCA)
or Central Bank (CB) account .
This RTGS BIC is expected to be used in field “Instructed Agent”. It is the T2 RTGS account, where the transferred amount will be credited for the beneficiary.
4 M Institution Name Char(105) It is the name stored in the Common Reference Data Management CRDM
BIC Directory together with the Addressee BIC.
5 O City Heading Char(35) It is the name of the city where the RTGS Participant is established.
6 O National Sorting Code Char(15) It is the National Sorting Code of the RTGS Participant.
7 O Main BIC Flag Char(1) Specifies if the BIC could be used to address the payments if the sender
has no other information where to send to.
Y = Yes = This BIC could be used to address the payments
if the sender has no other information where to send to.
N = No
8 M Type of Change Char(1) Values: A = Added, M = Modified, D = Deleted, U = Unchanged
9 M Valid From Date(YYYYMMDD) Date from which the entry is valid. Only entries that are valid on the day of the import are taken over.
10 M Valid To Date(YYYYMMDD) Date up to which the entry is valid. Value “99991231” is used
whenever the ending of validity has not been specified.
Only entries that are valid on the day of the import are taken over.
11 M Participation Type CHAR(2) 01 = Direct participant
02 = Indirect participant
03 = Multi addressee - Credit Institutions
04 = Multi addressee - Branch of Direct Participant
05 = Addressable BIC - Correspondent
06 = Addressable BIC - Branch of Direct Participant
07 = Addressable BIC - Branch of Indirect Participant
08 = Addressable BIC - Branch of Correspondent

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Encoding of Import File Possible encodings are
“CP850” MS-DOS Central Europe
“​UTF-8”​ UTF-8

en/app/020cor/100sys/040imp/0190imptar.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/17 10:03 by mk