
SSN - Session

Module SSN

The session table holds all information about a login session. This is automatically recorded upon start of the system and refered to in the event log. At the end of the session the logout time is stored together with a flag marking this session as normal terminated. During a session all changes between transactions are recorded in the session record. Thus canceled transactions and programm aborts might be reported.

The primary purpose of the session log is to keep track of all sessions and to collect technical information to reduce the size of the EVT - Event Log.


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
BEGDATTIM Start of Session Datetime 15
ENDDATTIM End of Session Datetime 15
STA Termination Status of Session Text 1 Embedded
LSTDATTIM Last Start of a Transaction Datetime 15
LSTFRM ID of Last Started Transaction Text 8 ATPTXT
APPSRV Application Server Text 32
DISSRV Display Server Text 32
ENG Name of Logical Engine Text 8
APPPID PID of Process in Application Server Text 16
DISPID PID of Process in Display Server Text 16
BCKGRD Background Flag Text 1 Embedded
USR User ID Text 8
MLTSSNID Multi-session indicator Numeric 3
ETY Currently Used ETYEXTKEY Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield BEGDATTIM Start of Session

The date and time when the session was started.

Datafield ENDDATTIM End of Session

The date and time the session was terminated.

Datafield STA Termination Status of Session

Two status levels reflect normal session processing. 'X' is set when the database has not been updated. Whenever the database is updated, the status level of the session is set to 'A' to reflect the fact that this session has processed data. Depending on the session status, a check is run of the associated user count for the security key.

Status levels 'N' and 'C' are set when the session is terminated.

Status 'R' is set when recovery routines update session entries.

Status level 'U' is set by a Job Manager if the session is to be reused by a sub-process triggered by the Job Manager.

Code Text
X Active
N Normal
C Canceled
R Recovered
A Application
U Reuse

Datafield LSTDATTIM Last Start of a Transaction

Date and time when the transaction was started.

Datafield LSTFRM ID of Last Started Transaction

This field identifies the last transaction started in the session and usually holds the currently active transaction.

Datafield APPSRV Application Server

The name of the server executing the TradeDesign engine used to execute the transaction. In client-server environments this is the name of the application server. In a fat-client environment this is the name of the PC executing Trade2.exe.

Datafield DISSRV Display Server

This identifies the server executing the TradeDesign user interface which is used to display the transaction panels and to receive input. In client-server environments this is the name of the user PC. In a fat-client environment this is the name of the PC executing Trade2.Exe.

Datafield ENG Name of Logical Engine

The name of the runtime system used to execute the TradeDesign transactions.

Datafield APPPID PID of Process in Application Server

Process ID (PID) of the application server process executing the runtime environment used for this session. If a connect has to be re-established this PID holds the current (or last) PID, because in this case a new runtime environment, and thus another PID, is used.

Datafield DISPID PID of Process in Display Server

Process ID (PID) of the display server process executing the TradeDesign client used for this session.

Datafield BCKGRD Background Flag

When checking the background status, the third undefined status must be used as the logical foreground, however without accessing the user interface.

Therefore, if a user prompted becomes necessary, this 'F' status should be checked using 'if SYSMODSSNBCKGRD.is(“F”) then'.

Code Text
F Foreground
B Background
I Interrupt

Datafield USR User ID

The ID of the user who started the session.

Datafield MLTSSNID Multi-session indicator

Multi-session indicator may be part of the title of the application panel.

Datafield ETY Currently Used ETYEXTKEY

The entity used within the session. When a change of the entity has taken place, each change is updated in the session entry.

en/app/020cor/110sm/010system/0400ssn.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/10 11:57 by mm