
Watchdog Info

Transaction SYSWDI

Using this transaction, the details of the latest check can be queried and checks restarted (periodically, in the mornings or evenings). In addition, the date and time of the check carried out most recently are displayed.

Via the [Show result] buttons, the results of the latest check carried out are displayed. Clicking [Execute Check] causes the checks to be carried out once again.

The various rules regarding checks are displayed in the table. Rules for checks that led to the limits fixed being exceeded at the time of the last check, are displayed in red in the table and panel.

The panel has the following icons available for each rule for checks in the table:

  • - executing the rule and creating and displaying the relevant list
  • - executing the rule and creating and displaying the relevant list along with the relevant details
  • - starting the info transaction assigned to the rule for checking purposes (which typically enables an interactive search to be carried out for additional details)
  • - starts the management transaction assigned to the rule for checking purposes (which typically enables the interactive elimination/handling of problems reported, e.g. Handle Events)

N.B.: Info/management functions are not associated with every rule for checks. The assignment is made in the source code when activating the checking rule in the table.

Transaction Panels

Show Details


Datafield Description
UpdateTimestamp of this Record cf Appendix A, Table SYA field UPDDATTIM
Timestamp when this Record becomes Stale cf Appendix A, Table SYA field NXTDATTIM

System maintenance

Processes per Session

Show Processes

Load Distribution

en/app/020cor/110sm/020mgr/0100syswdi.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/12 15:55 (external edit)