

Transaction SYSWDR

This transaction contains all check and monitoring functions for an application installation. At a particular point in time (checkpoint) which is either reached automatically or triggered interactively, the Watchdog can execute a subset of check rules from a given list of different check rules (topics). The following predefined checkpoints are available:

  • Periodic (is executed, for example, every 30 minutes)
  • Evening (typically used to monitor the daily closing of transactions not yet processed and pending messages)
  • Morning

It is possible to program and run additional check rules for specific customers. All checkpoint results are generated in a consolidated document. Using the buttons on the first panel, it is possible to generate and immediately display the documents (also for individual check rules).

There are three different view types for each check rule:

  • Counter (just one text line, that, where appropriate, contains Return Value and Threshold, or, for example, the text lines: 'All managers running' or 'No erroneous WFE'.)
  • List (short display, typically the list of errors)
  • Details (detailed display)

'Skip' means that the check rule is not run for this particular checkpoint.

A maximum return value (threshold) can be defined for each check rule defined as 'Periodic' (also 0). If this threshold is exceeded, it will be interpreted as an 'Error'. Such an error status triggers the following actions.

  • Initially the error is posted as a procedure. The name of the procedure is composed of the name of the manager, service or report. If this is available, the procedure can then check other secondary conditions and, where applicable, can reset the error status. This then avoids having error messages for services that never run at certain times.
  • A notify message is sent to the application administrator(s)
  • The 'Notebook' in the office menu is marked red

If a checkpoint is exceeded without the Watchdog having been executed, the notebook in the office menu is also marked red.

Other Functions

Starting the Manager, if not available

If the switch is activated, at each periodic check, the Watchdog checks whether all the managers required are up and running. If a manager is, or several managers are, missing, the Watchdog carries out the following actions for the manager:

  • If the 'old' manager process is still available, this is removed with a kill command
  • The manager is re-started

The list of required managers is based on the configured list of managers as visible in the background manager controlling transaction.

Control of the interactive and background process window

These switches allow you to release and block the whole system at specified times. This allows you to enter different times for interactive foreground and background processes.

Operating times

Starting the system (interactive users)
- System is available for login

Starting the system (background processes)
- Managers will be started

Stopping the systems (interactive users):
- First of all the system is blocked so that no other users can be logged in.
- Afterwards, all interactive process that are still running will be closed.

Stopping the system (background processes)
- The managers will be shut down. In addition, a time can be entered when a Notify message is sent to the interactive users indicating that the system will be shut down in x minutes.

All times apply to the time zone set up for the Watchdog.

The Watchdog also provides a function to immediately shut down and block the system. This can be launched by the Control Background Manager (SYSMGR) transaction.

External Monitoring

The watchdog provides the possibility to hand over the result to an external auditing system.
If external monitoring is turned on, the results of the checks, where external monitoring is checked, are written to a file named in 'Filename'.
This file can be sent to another location with a script defined in 'Jobname'.

Generating volume report

Turning on 'Generate volume report' will write the result of every check (morning check, evening check and periodical check) into the database table SYI.
Every single check will generate one row in this table.

Managers running in foreground mode always need to be started manually.

Transaction Panels

Show Details
Show Processes
Email technical configuration
External monitoring

This panel is used to specify Watchdog configuration settings. The following table shows all available options, listing designated check rules and typical configurations for checkpoints. The columns in bold letters are displayed in the application. Manually changeable columns are marked correspondingly in the header.

Note: This function is more comprehensive on Unix clients, as additional check rules are available.

HTM and PDF are available output formats for statistics. In the 'Max. # of entries per list' field, limits for messages displayed per list is defined.

Check Rule (Topic)NameArgument (manually changeable)Returning # ofThreshold - manually changeable)Morning (manually changeable)Evening (manually changeable)TRN for 'Details'TRN for 'Manage'Further Comments
Running Manager mgr Missing Managers 0 List SYSMGRSYSMGR[List] shows missing managers,
[Details] shows all Managers.
Running Services srv Services not running 0 List SYSMGRSYSMGR[List] shows missing services,
[Details] shows all Services
Adjustment with SYB + IPC Status
Erroneous WFE wfeerr Erroneous WFE 0 List INFTRNDBMTRN
Overdue WFE wfeovdDays overdue Overdue WFE 0 List Count INFTRNDBMTRN
Missing Signature wfesig WFE waiting for PDS 100 INFTRNDBMTRN
Missing Signature wfesig TRN waiting for Signature 100 INFTRNDBMTRN
Overdue ORD Days overdue 0 List Count INFORDDBIORD
Waiting for Predecessor wfepdp WFE waiting for PDP 50 INFTRNDBMTRN
Waiting for Acknowledgment wfepda WFE waiting for PDA 50 INFTRNDBMTRN
Waiting for Acknowledgment of Limit wfepdl WFE waiting for PDL 50 INFTRNDBMTRN
Critical QUE Hours critical Critical QUE INFQUEDBIQUE
Interactive Users ssnusr Distinct user IDs in SSN 1000 Count Count INFSSNDBMSSN
Licenses lic Application user Count INFSSNREOSSN
Dumps <> CONNPROBLEM dmpLast ? hours Dumps 5 Count Count SYSIXF [Details] extracts error messages from a .lst file
Connection Problems dmpbLast ? hours Error events 5Count Count INFEVT
Error Events evterrLast ? hours Error events 5 Count Count INFEVT
Disk Space dskspc % of file system used 20 List SYSIXUSYSCLN
Incomplete Transactions trninc TRN with Workflow List List INFTRNDBMTRN
Partial Messages smhpar Incomplete partial messages List INFSMH
SPT, Incoming sptincOlder than? days SPTs not processed List SPTSEL
SPT, Pending sptpenOlder than? days SPTs not processed List SPTSEL
SPT, Correction sptcorOlder than? days SPTs not processed List SPTSEL
SPT, Rejected sptrejOlder than? days SPTs not processed List SPTSEL
SPT, Automatic sptregOlder than? days SPTs not processed List SPTSEL
SPT, Deleted sptdelOlder than? days SPTs not processed SPTSEL
Stale Processes prcUntouched? mins. Stale processes REOSSN
JOB Erroneous joberr Jobs finished with errors 0 DBIJOBDBIJOB
JOB Overdue jobovdMinutes overdue Jobs not processed 0 JOBTSKJOBTSK
ACK Overdue ackovdOlder than ? hrs. ACKs not contained 0 JOBTSKJOBTSK
Local Prints with Errors prt Local Prints with Errors 0 List DBIPRCDBIPRC
Local Prints Overdue prtMinutes Overdue Local Prints not executed 0 List DBIPRCDBIPRC
Active print queues (*) prt Availability print queues List DBIPRCDBIPRC

(*) = Currently only available for operating system AIX

This panel is equivalent to the 'Watchdog Info' panel (SYSWDI). The details of the last checks can be launched here. Furthermore, checks (periodic, morning, evening) can be started. Date and time of the last performed check are also displayed.

The results of the last performed checks can be displayed by clicking [Show Results]. The checks can be run again by clicking [Execute Check].

The following buttons are available for more results:

  • [List] - Creating and displaying the relevant report
  • [Details] - Creating and displaying the relevant details
  • [Info] - Starting the associated info system
  • [Manage] - Starting the associated manage transactions

Note: If not all functions are available, (particularly 'Manage' functions), the standard profile functionality has to be modified.



Datafield Description
Start Time of Job Date This field displays the date and time the Task Manager was started.
Automatic Termination Flag This field defines the reason for terminating the Task Manager
- at a predefined time. In this case enter the time in the field on the right
- if list empty. The Task Manager will then stop when the list of open
transactions is empty.
- manually only. In this case the Task Manager will stop in case the
“stop” button is pressed.
Redotime This field contains the restart time of the Task Manager in seconds. If processing
is set to 'automatic', the Task Manager will restart after this time selected.
If 'manual' any time period entered is irrelevant.
Application Trace Flag This option sets the trace level of the transaction. Higher values mean more details.
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table USR field NAM
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table USR field NAM


Show Details


Datafield Description
UpdateTimestamp of this Record cf Appendix A, Table SYA field UPDDATTIM
Timestamp when this Record becomes Stale cf Appendix A, Table SYA field NXTDATTIM

Show Processes


Email technical configuration

External monitoring

en/app/020cor/110sm/020mgr/0110syswdr.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/10 11:59 by mm