
Control Background Manager

Transaction SYSMGR

This transaction enables background managers to be controlled and can only be appropriately deployed in client-server installations.

In addition, the print queues can be displayed.

Selecting a Manager

The following background managers are available; additional ones can be added, depending on the current installation of the application.


The output language of messages relating to a background process depends on the user who launched the background process. The language in which Notify messages are sent or log data is output to a log file is determined by the language selected for the user in which the Manager runs.

Example: If an administrator carries out a Manager in the foreground for test purposes, messages can be output in other languages than in the case of a Manager running in background mode.

The enviroment variable TDBATCHUSER enables a user to be set, who carries out the background process. If no user is set or the user is not defined under User Administration, then the system language (section [System] - key UIL) from “tdpara.ini” is used.

Transaction Panels

Control Manager

After selecting a background manager, the following functions will be available:

[Start Manager]

Starts the Manager selected in the “Manager” field.

[Down Manager]

Stops the Manager selected in the “Manager” field. First of all, the processing of all running services is halted, all current data is saved and the Manager is closed.

Note: This process may take several minutes.

[Force Down Manager]

Stops the Manager selected immediately. If it was not possible to roll back the database, this may lead to data losses. Accordingly, this option should be used only in situation in which there is no other alternative.

[Show Log]

Displays the log of the Manager selected.

[Show old logs]

Enables archived logs to be selected and displayed. A popup dialog is displayed with all existing log files beginning with the name of the Manager selected. After selecting a log an clicking on the [View] button, the log is displayed.

[Request Status]

The current status of the Manager selected is displayed in “Content of Status File” field.
If the status file is not available the transaction waits per default up to 25 seconds until the status file is written by the Manager. This waiting time can be set in the configuration file syswdr.ini, Section: Automatic, Entry: mgrrsptim.


Enables an error seach to be carried out in single steps. The arguments for a trace need to be entered in the “Trace” field.
With an optional '+' preceding the argument, the argument is activated; using '-' it is deactivated again; only one argument can be handed over at a time.
The Trace argument can also be passed on to Background Manager in current operation.

The following Trace arguments are available:

Argument Description
INFO Writes information on the start of the transaction into the log file
COM Communication - weites information on communication between client and server to the log file
PROF Profiling - writes information on the analysis transaction 'Profile Analyzer' (GENPRF) to the log file
SQL SQL query - writes all SQL commands to the log file
RULES Rules - describes all rules exectuted in the log file
USER Writes the user-defined rules to the log file
BUILTIN Writes all internal TradeDesign functions to the log file
BASEXEC Writes all TD-Basic commands executed to the log file
FLOW Writes the calculation and depiction of the tree of modules executed within the transaction to the log file
SQLDATA Writes data content of the SQL statement to the log file

Traces are saved to the Manager log of the log directory.

[Read Status]

Reads the current status of the Manager from the status file (Field “Name of Status File”) and displays it in the “Content of Status File” field.

[Remove Status File]

Deletes the status fule listed in field “Name of Status File”.

[Show Batch Log]

Displays the log of batch processes handled.

[Show old Batch Logs]

Displays older logs of batch processes handled.

[View Shell Log]

Displays the log for this transaction.

[Close System]

This stops all foreground and background processes and locks the system to prevent renewed login. The system is blocked by the “Watchdog”, which must be active at this time. The command to lock the system is sent to it via IPC.


Datafield Description
Start This button starts the selected Background Manager
Down This button stops the selected Background Manager and stores all data and
transactions currently being processed.
Force Down This button immediately brings the Background Manager to a stop. All
transactions currently being processed are also stopped. This 'shut-down button is only
used in an emergency and only if the Background
Manager cannot be stopped normally. N.B, the shut-down button
can lead to the loss of data.
Show Log This button shows the log for the selected Background Manager
Request Status This button displays the current status of the selected Background Manager
Trace This button starts a trace of the selected Background Manager
Read Statusfile This button displays the current status of the selected Background Manager
Remove Statusfile This button deletes the current statusfile from the selected Background Manager
SYSMGR Log This button displays the System Manager's errorlog

Processes per Session

The current processes of the application are displayed in the table.

The table can be updated using the [Read] button.

After selecting a process from the table, the process can be stopped using the [Kill -9] button.

Show Processes

The panel displays the status of print queues. A distinction is made between print jobs outstanding (entry queue) and incorrectly processed print jobs (error queue)

The panel displays the result of the Unix command 'ps' with context-dependent arguments.


In certain situations, it is expedient to run several instances of a Manager. These are then distinguished by the name of the .ini file used for configuration purposes. From the “Configuration” panel, the list of .ini files belonging to a Manager can be maintained. If several .ini files are specified here for a Manager, then in the “Control Managers” panel the .ini file identifying the instance can be selected from this list in addition to the Manager in question.

Load Distribution

en/app/020cor/110sm/020mgr/0200sysmgr.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/10 12:15 by mm