
MQ Interface Incoming Messages

Transaction MQITSK

This Manager has the same functionalities as “Manager for Incoming Messages” (SWITSK). The sole difference lies in the fact that messages are not transfered using the filesystem but using a technical interface. Available interfaces are MQ Series, Active MQ, Kafka and SFTP.

For every active service it has to be defined which interface is to be used. The dedicated interface settings have to be defined on the config panel per service.

Settings for MQ Series:

Column Description
Manager Name of the Manager
Receive Queue Name of the Receive Queue
Allow Conversion Allows conversion by MQ
CCSID Coded Charset Id
Encoding Encoding (machine dependent ) = -1
Channel (optional) Name of the MQ channel
Type (optional) Transport type (DECNET, LOCAL, LU62, NETBIOS, SPX, TCP, UDP )
Connection (optional) Name of the connection
Commit immediate Indicates whether the receiver's commit is issued immediately after the message, or only after the service has been completed
Log Flag Log Level (No log. Logs in file, Save messages, Hide MQ)
Receivetime (sec) Waiting time, in seconds, before data is received.
File/Streaming/Direct Procedure defining how data is transfered to the service - set by the service itself.
Set length Buffer size for data (a record)
Number of sets Defines the number of set per receipt
Key Repository File name of Key Repository without extension
Cipher see list of available Cipher specifications

If just one of the optional parameters is not filled in, all optional parameters are taken from the MQSERVER environment variables. MQ Series Error Codes will be passed 1:1 . More information about these error codes can be found in the MQ Series documentation.

Settings for Active MQ:

Column Description
SSL Keystore in case useSSL is active
SSL Keystore PWD in case useSSL is active
SSL Truststore in case useSSL is active
Broker URL
User ID
Client ID
Queue Name of the Queue

Settings for Kafka:

Column Description
Init File contains detailled technical settings

Settings for SFTP:

Column Description
Init File contains detailled technical settings
Remote Directory Directory in counter system

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Start Time of Job Date This field displays the date and time the Task Manager was started.
Automatic Termination Flag This field defines the reason for terminating the Task Manager
- at a predefined time. In this case enter the time in the field on the right
- if list empty. The Task Manager will then stop when the list of open
transactions is empty.
- manually only. In this case the Task Manager will stop in case the
“stop” button is pressed.
Redotime This field contains the restart time of the Task Manager in seconds. If processing
is set to 'automatic', the Task Manager will restart after this time selected.
If 'manual' any time period entered is irrelevant.
Application Trace Flag This option sets the trace level of the transaction. Higher values mean more details.
SWIFT This checkbox defines if incoming SWIFT messages should be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
Telex This checkbox defines if incoming telex messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
DTA Import L/C This checkbox defines if DTA Import L/C messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
TradeConnect This checkbox defines if TradeConnect messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
E-mail This checkbox defines if incoming e-mails are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
DTA Guarantees This checkbox defines if DTA Guarantees messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
Bolero This checkbox defines if incoming Bolero messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
FileAct This checkbox defines if incoming FileAct messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
DTA Export L/C This checkbox defines if DTA Export L/C messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
allNETT This checkbox defines if incoming allNETT messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
SmartForms This checkbox defines if SmartForms messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
Approved Payables Documents This checkbox defines if Approved Payables Documents are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
Compliance This checkbox defines if Compliance messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.
EasySend This checkbox defines if EasySend messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.

MQ Series Configuration

For each incoming message type, MQ Series receiving has to be defined in the correspondling line in the MQ Series grid:

The following fields have to be defined:

The MQ Connection can be defined in 2 ways
either with the environment variable MQSERVER
or specifying the three fields

The RCVTIM in seconds specifies the timeout, when reading data from the queue. This value has to be >= 0.

If SSL encryption has to be used, the key repository and the cypher has to be specified.

Kafka Configuration

The following fields have to be specified, when using the Kafka interface
Service: The name of the service ( will be set from the transaction )
Description: Description of the service ( will be set from the transaction )
Ini file: Ini file with the consumer settings
Topic: The topic from which the message is received

Ftp Configuration

The following fields have to be specified, when using the ftp interface
Ini file followed by the section name ( <Ini file>.<section> ) containing the ftp settings for this service.
Remote directory: the directory of the remote server, containing the files to be imported.

Incoming SWIFT


Datafield Description
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT
Unzip attachments If this flag is checked, Zip files from incoming Score messages will automatically be unzipped and added to the message. This is in addition to the zip file (i.e., the actual zip file will also be present in the message).
Unzip and Delete attachment If this flag is checked, the original zip file will be deleted after it is unzipped in the message. That means, only the actual files of the zip file which were unzipped, will be available in the message for viewing.

However, this flag will be enabled for selection only if “Unzip zipped Score Fileattachments” flag is selected.



Datafield Description
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT



Datafield Description
Type of Print cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRTTYP
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT

DTA Import L/C


Datafield Description
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT

DTA Export L/C


Datafield Description
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT

DTA Guarantees


Datafield Description
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT



Datafield Description
Type of Print cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRTTYP
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT



Datafield Description
Type of Print cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRTTYP
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT

SWIFT FileAct + XMLv2



Datafield Description
Type of Print cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRTTYP
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT




Datafield Description
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT



Datafield Description
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT

Incoming Invoices



Datafield Description
Type of Print cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRTTYP
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT



Datafield Description
Type of Print cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRTTYP
Text for Header cf Appendix A, Table PRT field HEATXT
Technical Form cf Appendix A, Table PRT field TEF
Use Printer Configuration from: cf Appendix A, Table PRT field GETPRT
Printer cf Appendix A, Table PRT field PRT
Paper Tray cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN
Tray for 2nd Page cf Appendix A, Table PRT field BIN2
Number of Copies cf Appendix A, Table PRT field CPYCNT


en/app/020cor/110sm/020mgr/0210mqitsk.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/23 15:20 (external edit)