
SYA - System Status Record

Module SYA


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
SUBTYP Type of Subject Text 1 Embedded
SUBKEY Key of Subject Text 32
SEVFLG Severity Flag Text 1 Embedded
FIL File Name for Document Text 80
UPDDATTIM UpdateTimestamp of this Record Datetime 15
NXTDATTIM Timestamp when this Record becomes Stale Datetime 15
ERRTOP Topics with Errors Block 12
APPSRV Application Server Text 32

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield SUBTYP Type of Subject

Always 'S' for 'System'.

Code Text
S System

Datafield SUBKEY Key of Subject

Always 'S' for 'whole System'.

Datafield SEVFLG Severity Flag

Status resulting from last periodic check performed by the watchdog. The status will be set to 'E'rror, if the threshold for one of the topics checked was exceeded.

Code Text
E Error

Datafield FIL File Name for Document

This field is no longer used, as the user can select which document is to be displayed/created for which check or whether specific details are to be checked immediately.

Datafield UPDDATTIM UpdateTimestamp of this Record

Date and time when the record was last updated.

Datafield NXTDATTIM Timestamp when this Record becomes Stale

Date and time when this record becomes stale (i.e. watchdog is not active).

Datafield ERRTOP Topics with Errors

List of topics found to contain errors by the last watchdog run.

Datafield APPSRV Application Server

The name of the server executing the TradeDesign engine used to execute the transaction. In client-server environments this is the name of the application server. In a fat-client environment this is the name of the PC executing Trade2.Exe.

en/app/020cor/110sm/020mgr/0400sya.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:34 (external edit)