
SYB - Service Status Record

Module SYB


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
MGR Manager Text 8
SRV Service Text 6
SSNINR Session ID Text 8
INS Instance Text 16
STRDATTIM Creation of Service Instance Datetime 15
UPDDATTIM Last Update of Service Instance Record Datetime 15
UPDFRE Update Frequency (in Hours) (-1 for 'No update') Numeric 6
CNTSUC Count Successful Numeric 8
CNTRET Count Retry Numeric 8
CNTERR Count Errors Numeric 8
CNTTIM Period for Count (in Hours) Numeric 8
STA Status Text 1 Embedded

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield MGR Manager

Transaction name of the manager.

Datafield SRV Service

Name of the instance for the service.

Datafield SSNINR Session ID

ID of the session launching the Manager

Datafield INS Instance

Not currently used

Datafield STRDATTIM Creation of Service Instance

The date and time when this instance of the service was started.

Datafield UPDDATTIM Last Update of Service Instance Record

Date and time when this instance record was last updated.

Datafield UPDFRE Update Frequency (in Hours) (-1 for 'No update')

Update frequency of a service in hours.

Datafield CNTSUC Count Successful

Counter of successful completed service entries.

Datafield CNTRET Count Retry

Counter of retry attempts of in service entries.

Datafield CNTERR Count Errors

Counter of errors of a service entry.

Datafield CNTTIM Period for Count (in Hours)

Period for Count (in Hours)

Datafield STA Status

Status of a service.

Code Text
R Running
X Stopped due to errors
I Inactive
T Terminated
S During Start
C Recovered
en/app/020cor/110sm/020mgr/0410syb.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)