
SYN - Server Node

Module SYN


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
SSNINR INR of Session Text 8
APPSRV Application Server Text 32
STA Status of Session Text 1 Embedded
VALDATTIM Valid until Datetime 15
LSTDATTIM Timestamp of last update of this record Datetime 15
REQSTA Requested Status of Node Text 1 Embedded
REQEVTINR Internal Unique ID of Event for request Text 8
PRIFLG Primary Flag to mark 'Leading Watchdog' Text 1 Embedded
LOALCKFLG Node locked for new users/managers sessions Text 1 Embedded
LOA Consolidated Load Figure Numeric 7
LOADATTIM Timestamp of Load Figure Datetime 15

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield SSNINR INR of Session

This field identifies the session entry in the table SSN, responsible for issuing this event.

Datafield APPSRV Application Server

The name of the server executing the watchdog process.

Datafield STA Status of Session

The status of the SYN record reflects the logical status of this node and it's controlling watchdog.

'R'unning: In normal operation

'D'own: Watchdog terminated (due to scheduled or gracefull shutdown)

'C'anceled: Watchdog marked as terminated by other process as SYN record was not updated in time.

'B'locked: Watchdog is down but new session must not start (i.e. if a watchdog process finds during start a 'B'locked entry on it's node it will terminate immediately without creating a new SYN record)

Code Text
S Starting
R Running
D Down
C Canceled
B Blocked

Datafield VALDATTIM Valid until

After this timestamp this entry is assumed to be stale as the expected update did not take place.

So after this timestamp the watchdog responsible for updating this entry is assumed to be no longer active.

Datafield LSTDATTIM Timestamp of last update of this record

Date and time when the transaction identified in LSTFRM was started.

Datafield REQSTA Requested Status of Node

Requested status of a node as per codetable.

Code Text
D Down Watchdog + Manager
B Lock and Down Watchdog + Manager
L Lock
O Open

Datafield REQEVTINR Internal Unique ID of Event for request

Whenever REQSTA is set (by another process) a corresponding event describing the triggering process and reason will be written.

Datafield PRIFLG Primary Flag to mark 'Leading Watchdog'

At any time exactly one of the running watchdog instances on a grid will be marked as 'Primary'.

Only this instance of watchdog will execute such topics that are not node specific (i.e. typically SQLs on the database)

Code Text
P Leader
Not Leader
? Undetermined

Datafield LOALCKFLG Node locked for new users/managers sessions

Node locked for new users/managers sessions.

Code Text
Accept Sessions
B No New Sessions
L Locked on request

Datafield LOA Consolidated Load Figure

Consolidated Load Figure.

Datafield LOADATTIM Timestamp of Load Figure

Timestamp of Load Figure with date and time.

en/app/020cor/110sm/020mgr/0440syn.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 15:47 (external edit)