
Info Job System

Transaction INFJOB

This transaction is used to search and display jobs.

After starting the transaction the “Search Panel” is displayed.

The icon can be clicked after entering the selection criteria. If no selection has been made, all jobs available in the system will be displayed.

The information about each job is displayed on panel “job” after double-clicking an entry in the table.

By clicking the icon the previous versions of the object infotexts can be displayed. Modified fields will be marked red. The log details will be displayed on a separate panel by clicking the icon. For displaying the version history the icon has to be clicked, whereas a selection list will be displayed. Individual versions can be selected by double-clicking an entry in the list. The log can be left again by clicking .

Transaction Panels

Search Panel


Datafield Description
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD



Datafield Description
Job Code cf Appendix A, Table JOB field COD
Name cf Appendix A, Table JOB field NAM
Recurrence Pattern of Job cf Appendix A, Table JOB field TYP
Entitywise Execution cf Appendix A, Table JOB field ETYFLG
Entity the job is currently executed for cf Appendix A, Table JOB field CURETY
1/Frequency Days/Minutes cf Appendix A, Table JOB field FRQ
Day of the Week cf Appendix A, Table JOB field WDY
Day of the Month cf Appendix A, Table JOB field MDY
Calendar cf Appendix A, Table JOB field CAL
Earliest Job Execution at HH:MM cf Appendix A, Table JOB field LOWTIM
Latest Job Execution at HH:MM cf Appendix A, Table JOB field HIGTIM
Maximum Runtime on processing a SPT automatically After that periode (in seconds) the cancel processing will be executed
If no time ist set the system default 30 seconds.
this entry saved in dngpara.ini.
cf Appendix A, Table JOB field MAXRUNTIM
Time zone cf Appendix A, Table JOB field TIMZON
Skip Execution if not Executed after x Hours cf Appendix A, Table JOB field SKPTIM
Type of Transaction cf Appendix A, Table JOB field TRNTYP
Frame name / Command cf Appendix A, Table JOB field TRNFRM
Transaction This field contains the business transaction to which the message is to be
cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD
Argument(s) cf Appendix A, Table JOB field TRNARG
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table USR field NAM
Status of Job cf Appendix A, Table JOB field STA
INR of Last SSN Used for Execution cf Appendix A, Table JOB field SSNINR

en/app/020cor/110sm/030job/0200infjob.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)