
JOB - Batchjobs

Module JOB


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
COD Job Code Text 6 JOBTXT
NAM Name Text 40
TYP Recurrence Pattern of Job Text 1 Embedded
LOWTIM Earliest Job Execution at HH:MM Numeric 4
HIGTIM Latest Job Execution at HH:MM Numeric 4
WDY Day of the Week Text 1 Embedded
MDY Day of the Month Text 2 Embedded
LSTBEGDATTIM Begin of Last Execution Datetime 15
LSTENDDATTIM End of Last Execution Datetime 15
NXTBEGDATTIM Begin of Next Execution Datetime 15
TRNTYP Type of Transaction Text 1 Embedded
TRNFRM Frame name / Command Text 80
TRNARG Argument(s) Text 80
SSNINR INR of Last SSN Used for Execution Text 8
STA Status of Job Text 1 Embedded
FRQ 1/Frequency Days/Minutes Numeric 2
SKPTIM Skip Execution if not Executed after x Hours Numeric 2
MAXRUNTIM Max Runtime of Job in Minutes Numeric 4
USR Job Owner Text 8
VER Version Text 4
CAL Calendar Text 10
TIMZON Time zone Text 6 TIMZON
ETYFLG Entitywise Execution Text 1
CURETY Entity the job is currently executed for Text 8
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield COD Job Code

This field holds the external code used to identify a job.

Datafield NAM Name

Description of job

Datafield TYP Recurrence Pattern of Job

This field describes the pattern of recurrence for this job (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly). See embedded codetable for details.

Code Text
H every hour
* every working day
+ every day
W every week
M every month
Q every quarter
Y every year
manual execution
R every x minutes
O only once
P every x min on work days
A half yearly

Datafield LOWTIM Earliest Job Execution at HH:MM

Earliest time of the day when this job can be executed.

Datafield HIGTIM Latest Job Execution at HH:MM

Latest time of the day when this job can be executed. Where jobs are executed more than once per day (i.e. hourly or every x minutes), this time signals the end of processing for the day: the next execution is scheduled for the following day.

Datafield WDY Day of the Week

For 'weekly' jobs only, the field identifies the day of the week when the job is to be executed.

Code Text
< first working day
> last working day
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday
1 Sunday

Datafield MDY Day of the Month

For jobs executed 'monthly' or in longer periods, the field defines the day of the month when the job is to be executed.

Code Text
< first working day
> last working day
1 first
2 second
3 third
4 forth
5 fifth
6 sixth
7 seventh
8 eighth
9 ninth
10 tenth
11 eleventh
12 twelfth
13 thirteenth
14 fourteenth
15 fifteenth
16 sixteenth
17 seventeenth
18 eighteenth
19 nineteenth
20 twentieth
21 twentyfirst
22 twentysecond
23 twentythird
24 twentyfourth
25 twentyfifth
26 twentysixth
27 twentyseventh
28 twentyeighth
29 twentyninth
30 thirtieth
31 thirtyfirst
L last

Datafield LSTBEGDATTIM Begin of Last Execution

Date and time when the job was last started.

Datafield LSTENDDATTIM End of Last Execution

Date and time when the job was last finished.

Datafield NXTBEGDATTIM Begin of Next Execution

Date and time when job next scheduled.

Datafield TRNTYP Type of Transaction

Specifies whether a TradeDesign transaction/script/executable is to be executed by job.

Code Text
T Transaction
E Executable or Script

Datafield TRNFRM Frame name / Command

Name of transaction/script/executable to be executed. The name of the transaction should not contain a path or extension.

Datafield TRNARG Argument(s)

Arguments passed to the transaction/script for execution.

Datafield SSNINR INR of Last SSN Used for Execution

Session in which this job was last executed (only for transaction type jobs).

Datafield STA Status of Job

Status of last job. See embedded codetable for details.

Code Text
R Running
F Finished
E Finished with error
Never started
C Configuring
M Edited

Datafield FRQ 1/Frequency Days/Minutes

Frequency of execution (in minutes). Used only for jobs that can repeat 'every x minutes'.

Datafield SKPTIM Skip Execution if not Executed after x Hours

Optional field. If not zero the field defines the maximum gap between scheduled and actual execution. After this time, the job is moved to its next scheduled run.

Datafield MAXRUNTIM Max Runtime of Job in Minutes

Defines an optional maximum runtime for a job. If this time is set and exceeded the JOBTSK manager marks the job as faulty and continues with the next job. A global maximum runtime can be defined in JOBTSK settings which will take effect if no job limit has been defined.

Datafield USR Job Owner

If set to a non blank value the job will be executed using this user id. A sample usage is to get a fitting user id for Remote Client Printing.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield CAL Calendar

Calendar to be used for calculation of next job execution.

Datafield TIMZON Time zone

The time zone may be set in tdpara.ini “system”, under TZUser.

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield ETYFLG Entitywise Execution

When the checkbox is set, a multiple execution of this job will take place for all entities visible to the user.

Datafield CURETY Entity the job is currently executed for

When the ETYFLG is set this field controls the entity the job is currently executing for. When this field is empty, the job should process the full list of entities. During the execution of a job the entity the currently running execution is using is updated in this field. When a job is restarted after an interruption the first entity the job is executed for is taken from this field.

en/app/020cor/110sm/030job/0400job.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/14 14:00 (external edit)