
Handle incomplete Incoming Messages

Transaction SMHSEL

This transaction is used to manually forward incoming messages (also partial incoming messages or partial messages, which can, for example, be recognized by '1/2' or '2/3'), that cannot be merged automatically, or for processing or to assign these messages to the target contract. Furthermore, those incoming messages that are related to multiple contracts are to be enabled to be processed logically for several times.

By defining the date range and selecting the type of message, the messages available in the system are displayed in the table below. After entering a relevant value in field “External Key”, an SMH key (SMH = Structured Message Header, that equals the message header and contains the basic information of each message) can also be searched directly. To start the search, the icon has to be clicked.

The search results can be narrowed with the following checkboxes:

  • “Partial only” - only partial messages (incomplete messages) are displayed in the result list
  • “Not assigned to a Contract” - only messages, that have not yet been been assigned to a contract are displayed in the result list
  • “Without SPT” - only messages, that do not have a pending item (SPT) in the application are displayed in the result list

Clicking the icon or double-clicking the selected row will display the SMH information in the “Message Header” panel. Clicking the [Display document] button will display the document belonging to a message. Clicking the [Display events] button will display any diary events belonging to the message in a separate panel.

Details about the respective pending item of the message can be displayed by clicking the icon . If there is no item available for an entry, an SPT can be created via the icon. In doing so, the transaction “Routing of Pending Items” is started, where the pending item can be assigned to other SPTs or to other contracts and transactions. With icon existing assigments can be changed.

Handling incomplete Partial Messages

If, for example, only parts of a multipart message has been received (i.e. the first part is lost), the procedure is as follows:
At first, the partial message or a group of partial messages is selected in this transaction (SMHSEL). By clicking the icon the transaction “Routing of Pending Items” will be started. However, only the first part of a multipart message can be processed via the icons or as customary. As long as not all single messages are available no mapping of fields to the transaction will take place. All other parts can be assigned to a contract via the the icon in transaction “Attaching an Incoming Message” (*), which is available in all business sectors. In doing so, in transaction “Routing of Pending Items” the desired “Attaching an Incoming Message” transaction will be started by entering the transaction mnemo in field “Transaction”. In field “Reference No.” the reference number of the desired contract selected, to which the message is to be attached. Depending on the message, the clerk decides, which business sector is to be selected. After clicking the icon, the relevant xxxATT transaction (ATT = abbreviation for 'attach') is started. By clicking the icon in this transaction the (partial) message is attached to the contract.

(These are the transactions with mnemo 'xxTATT' (e.g. in business sector “Export Collection” this is the transaction “Attaching an Incoming Message” (BOTATT)) - 'xx' represents a wildcard for each business sector, respectively).

Removing incomplete Partial Messages

In case a message is not required any more, a message can be from a message from a contract via icon . This button is enabled, only if a partial message and no pending item (SPT) is at hand for the current partial message (i.e. the checkboxes “Partial only” and “Without SPT” have to be checked).

Joining Partial Messages manually

Multiple functionally linked individual messages that cannot be joined automatically due to discrepancies (e.g. in the reference), can be joined manually to one logical message in this transaction. In manually joined multipart messages, the content of the message can not be interpreted. Thus, no mapping takes place.
The joining of individual messages to one message is done via clicking the icon. This icon is active, only if the checkboxes “Partial only”, “Not assigned to a Contract”, and “Without SPT” are checked. In this process the desired messages for a group are selected by checking the relevant checkbox next to each entry. After clicking the icon the subpanel “Select a Group” is displayed. By checking a checkbox it is selected, which of the displayed partial messages has to be the main message, to which the remaining partial messages are to be assigned to. By clicking the buttons [ Process] the selected message is then opened in transaction “Routing of Pending Items” (SPTROU) and can be processed there.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel


Datafield Description
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.

Message Header


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table SMH field EXTKEY
Creating User cf Appendix A, Table SMH field CREUSR
Timestamp of Creation cf Appendix A, Table SMH field CREDATTIM
Direction ('>'=Outgoing, '<'=Incoming) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field DIR
Structure/Syntax of Message (SWT, LET, TLX, TCO) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field CORTYP
Type of Copy cf Appendix A, Table SMH field ORIFLG
Document Path (Relative to Application or Data Root) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field DOCPTH
Internal Unique ID cf Appendix A, Table SMH field INR
Document Name (File ID) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field DOCFIL
Object Type cf Appendix A, Table SMH field OBJTYP
Object INR cf Appendix A, Table SMH field OBJINR
Document Format (RTF, TIF, TXT etc.) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field DOCFXT
Type of Transaction cf Appendix A, Table SMH field TRNTYP
Transaction Handling the Document cf Appendix A, Table SMH field TRNINR
Position of Message in Document cf Appendix A, Table SMH field MSGPOS
Length of Message in Document (0=Rest of Document) cf Appendix A, Table SMH field MSGLEN
INR of the 1st of Split/Partial Messages cf Appendix A, Table SMH field GRPINR
Sequence Number of Partial Messages cf Appendix A, Table SMH field GRPSEQ
Counter of Partial Messages cf Appendix A, Table SMH field PARTFLG
PTA Receiving Documents cf Appendix A, Table SMH field PTAINR
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ADR field EXTKEY
Application Form cf Appendix A, Table SMH field APF
Name cf Appendix A, Table ADR field NAM


Message Group

en/app/020cor/110sm/050probl/0130smhsel.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/02 19:42 (external edit)