
Test Client / Server Communication

Transaction SYSCOT

This transaction is used to test the quality of the line in Client/Server installations (especially via WAN/internet).

At regular intervals the communication between Client → Server and Server → Client is tested (depending on which checkbox has been checked under “Last Transmission”). Statistics and transmissions are written to the log and can be displayed by clicking the button [View Log]. Thus, any errors which may arise can be traced back. The counters “Snd Error” and “Rcv.Error” are incremented on each error that occurs, respectively.

The communication is tested for a time period via the [Test] button and is written to the log file afterwards. The buttons [Start] and [ Stop] have to be clicked, when the periodic tests have to be started or halted.

A bulk transmission test can also be carried out. For this purpose, the compressed file “Trade2 root directory/tmp/syscotfil.zip” has to be available in the specified directory stated at the bottom of the panel with the required size. The file can be created via the button [Generate] out of SYSCOT.TTO. The file size is approx. 25 KB.

Transaction Panels

Communication Test


Datafield Description
Start Clicking this button starts the Task Manager.
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.
Do Entry Clicking this button executes the subsequent transaction for the
incoming message selected.
Exit Clicking this button exits the Task Manager.

en/app/020cor/110sm/050probl/0140syscot.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)