
Reevaluation of Limits

Transaction REOLSA

This transaction is used to reevaluate all existing limits. In doing so, all LSB records are searched and the amounts are converted into LSC and LSA records.


Table Name Description
LSA - Limit System Balances For each object that has a limit, a limit balance is stored in this table. Limit balances are the actual balance as well as the utilization balances of the limits.
LSB - Limit System For each object that has a limit, static data of limits are stored in this table. These entries contain information about the limit status and limit balances information about accepted and not accepted limit requests.
LSC - Limit System Sum per Currency A currency balance is stored for each used currency and LSB entry in this table, in order to accelerate the reevaluation basing on new exchange rates.
Thus, there are as many LSC entries per LSB entry, as there are currencies for the utilization.

The identified limit system balances are reevaluated based on the the currently valid exchange rate. The information required for this purpose come from the LSC records.

The following limit types are available for reevaluation:

  • Liability per Country
  • Liability per Headquarter
  • Liability pro Party

Depending on the selected type, a country, headquarter or party can be selected for whom a reevaluation of the limits has to be carried out.

By clicking the icon the reevaluation of the limits is started.

Further information about limits can be found under General Information.

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
Country Code cf Appendix A, Table CTY field COD
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTY field NAM

en/app/020cor/130reo/0170reolsa.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)