
Reorganizing Object Infotext (OIT)

Transaction REOOIT

This transaction is used to transport the infotexts stored in various database tables into the central OIT table. The entity and the entity group of the current session are displayed on the panel.

The combobox “Selected Table” can be used to select the table from which the data are to be transferred to the OIT table.

Note: This transaction is only used once to convert infotexts during an update of older DOKA versions to DOKA 5.04 SP2 or higher. If the installation contains infotexts in a customer overlay, this transaction needs to be extended to include the approriate tables.

Transaction Panels

Reorg OIT


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ETY field EXTKEY
Entity's Group cf Appendix A, Table ETY field ETG

en/app/020cor/130reo/0330reooit.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)