
Association of Data Tables

In order to assist the archiving or removing of files from the database periodically the following table has been designed. The System Administrator has access to several modules to assist maintenance of the system. The default storage location of the mentioned directories is in the data-partition, which is normally the data directory.

Directory Extension Description Cleanup or Processing Remarks
bimdata .dat Holds the before image journal for the contracts affected in a transaction to be able to roll back a transaction and restore the original contents of the contracts. SYSCLN For every TRN with reference to INR of TRN
bolin .xml Incoming Bolero messages waiting for processing. After being processed they are moved to the 'arc' or 'error' sub-directory depending on the results of the processing procedure. SWITSK
bolout Bolero messages ready for dispatch created by the BOL service.
dtain .akk Incoming DTA messages waiting for processing. After being processed they are moved to the 'arc' or 'error' sub-directory depending on the results of the processing procedure. SWITSK
dtaout DTA messages ready for dispatch created by the DTA service.
dtein .eab Incoming DTE messages waiting for processing. After being processed they are moved to the 'arc' or 'error' sub-directory depending on the results of the processing procedure. SWITSK
dteout DTE messages ready for dispatch created by the DTE service.
gledata .lst General ledger records created upon save of a transaction and waiting for the transfer service. SYSCLN For every TRN with reference to INR of TRN
trndata .dat Holds the complete set of all data describing the result of the transaction. This set of data is needed to be able to initially load the repair transaction. SYSCLN For every TRN with reference to INR of TRN
display .dsp Holds the display image of the transaction. SYSCLN For every TRN with reference to INR of TRN
docs .xml, .txt or others Holds the documents created by the application or received from other system, after successfully being processed. For every SMH-entry there can be one or more documents with reference to INR of SMH
delete .bak Datasets of pending entries SYSCLN For every SPT-entry with reference to INR of SPT
gleout GL-Entries which have been sent to general ledger system
log .dat Holds the original datasets used for the display of modifications in the version log. For every SLG with reference to INR of SLG
serdata Database of SER-Entries stored in subdirectories per project
status .xml Workflow status information as created by transaction SYSWDR (5.02 only) SYSWDR
swtin Incoming SWIFT-messages waiting to be processed. After processing they are moved to the arc or error subdirectory depending on the results of the processing procedure. SWITSK
swtout Ready to be transmitted SWIFT-Messages as created by the SWIFT-Service.
tcoin Incoming TradeConnect messages waiting to be processed. After processing they are moved to the arc or error subdirectory depending on the result of the processing procedure. SWITSK
tcoout Ready to be transmitted TradeConnect-Messages as created by the TCO-Service.

In case a table will be deleted it is necessary to delete the associated contents of the following directories as well:

Table Directories
TRN bimdata, gledata, trndata, display
SMH docs
SPT delete
SLG log

Depending on the concrete configuration some of the mentioned directories might hold subdirectories to further structurize the storage.

Important Notice

The directories mentioned are needed to ensure proper processing of the system. All directories in data which are not mentioned above should not be deleted either. They are normally created for / by customized modules or transactions.

en/app/020cor/130reo/0390sysdatov.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/08 12:34 (external edit)