
Unix Utilities

Transaction SYSIXU

This transaction is used to handle directories and files in a Unix environment without having direct access to the Unix system.

In the upper part of the panel , “File Handling”, the user can use the “Directory” combobox to select the directory containing the required file (which is to be moved from one location to the other, for example). The combobox displays the last ten directories used. This transaction also allows users to rename the file (via button [Rename]). In addition, the following functions are available:

Button Action
[View Log] Displaying the log file of events
[Delete] Deleting the selected file
[Edit] The file selected via the navigation is displayed on another panel and can be edited and saved from there.
By clicking the [ Save] button, the file is stored at that location, where it has been opened.
In case [Save as] is clicked, the subpanel 'Save file as' is displayed. It can be used to select the storage location for the file via the navigation or via manual entry (Client oder Server).
Storing the files is completed by clicking the [ Save] button on the subpanel.
[Save] Storing the selected file
[View] Unformatted display of the selected file
[PrettyView] Formatted display of the selected file
[Create Dir] Creating a new directory
[Delete Dir] Deleting a selected directory
[Difference] Displaying the differences between two selected files
[Copy] Copying the file specified in the upper “File Name” field to the storage location specified in the “File Name” field below
[Copy List] Copying the file list specified at the top to the directory specified below
[Copy Rec.] Activates the panel for recursive copying

If one or more files are to be copied that contain SWIFT messages, checking the “Convert from swtout (SWIFT input) to swtin (SWIFT output) format” checkbox converts the header from the SWIFT input format 2:I ... to the SWIFT output format 2:O... In doing so, the sender and recipient BICs are exchanged. Details of date and time and session/sequence are added. This makes it possible to convert messages generated in an entity of the application without transporting it through the SWIFT network and have them received and processed by another entity of the application. Without this conversion process, the application would simply allocate messages to the same entity that created them. This is usefull in tests, as thus the outgoing SWIFT messages stored in the swtout directory could be copied to the swtin directory and processed as incoming messages.

Files can be loaded in different encodings by setting the 'File Encoding' to the encoding of the file.
Files can also be converted from one encoding to another by setting both 'File Encoding' values.

In Unix Client Server environments, filenames and pathnames containing uppercase letters can be handled by selecting the 'Allow Case Sensitive File/Pathnames' checkbox.

Using the “Recursive Copying” panel, files can be copied recursively, including all files in sub-directories.
In the process, the source and target directory are taken over by the 1st panel.

  • [Read List] scans the names of the files and the file list is filled
  • [Check all] checks the checkbox for all files
  • [Uncheck All] removes the markings in all checkboxes
  • [Compress] removes the file names from the list whose checkbox is not checked
  • [Copy] starts the copying process

Files could be copied up to a size of 64 MB.

On the “Execute Commands” panel, commands or programs can be executed on the operating system (e.g. 'Is' on Unix or 'dir' on a PC). After entering the command or the path for starting the program, the [Execute] button has to be clicked.

If the checkbox “Blocking” is checked, the system waits until the command has been processed completely. If any output is available it will be displayed. If the “Blocking” checkbox is unchecked, outputs cannot be displayed as the system will not wait for the completion of the program.

Transaction Panels

File Handling


Datafield Description
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.

Execute Commands

en/app/020cor/140mis/0100sysixu.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)