
Displaying System Files

Transaction SYSIXF

This transaction enables the user to display different types of files stored by the application.

This includes:

Group of Files File Extension
Log Files of Application Processes *.log
Applications Logs *.log, *.dat
LST Files from Application Dumps *.lst
Display Files of Application Dumps *.dsp
XML Files of Documents *.xml

The field “Directory” shows the file path of the selected group of files.

In addition, a “character pattern” can be entered that matches the filename. This is particularly helpful in directories with many files because it cuts down the number of files displayed in a selection list.

In order to display a file select a file in the “Files” field and click on the icon .

Besides this character “pattern”, Client/Server environments also have a “Allow case sensitive file/pathnames” checkbox. If this is checked, only filenames with the precise spelling are found.

There are two display types available for display files of application dumps . By clicking the .dsp file (a screenshot of the panel) is displayed. If you click on the icon , the display file will be displayed in ASCII format, with click on a PDF-File will be created.

The “PrettyView” display is possible, if the documents are available in the formats HTML, XML, or PDF.

If a file should be copied to the local PC, the relevant file is selected in the “Files” field and the icon has to be clicked.

Down on the panel the creation date and time and the size of the selected file is displayed.

Note: The “Configure” panel (only visible for designers) contains a checkbox “Unrestricted Access for Designers Only” which can be checked/unchecked. If it is checked, the “Directory” and “Pattern” fields and the “case sensitive” checkbox can only be modified by users with “Designer” authorization. If unchecked, the fields can be changed by any user in selecting displayable directories and files.

Transactions Panels

Transaction Panels

Show Log File


en/app/020cor/140mis/0110sysixf.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 13:13 (external edit)